Archived > 2015 April > 15 Evening > 314

Videos archived from 15 April 2015 Evening

What are consumers?: Definitions
What is Value Added Tax (VAT)?: Knowing Your Taxes
What tax do i need to pay as a registered charity?: Different Types Of Business
What's the best airport to fly into?: Life Of An Airline Pilot
Can airline pilots move countries?: Working As An Airline Pilot
How do I pay Capital Gains Tax?: Knowing Your Taxes
Toulouse et Montpellier : deux villes attractives, moteur de la croissance démographique
What are the chances of my business going under?: Setting Up Your Business
What is 'Environmental Damage', and am I responsible for it?: Legalities Of Business
What records do I need to keep?: Cashflow
Do pilots get to travel for free when they are not flying?: Life Of An Airline Pilot
Octopus vs crab - marine animals - BBC wildlife
What do pilots do to pass the time on long flights?: Working As An Airline Pilot
What hours do airline pilots work?: Working As An Airline Pilot
What is planning permission, and do I need to get it?: Legalities Of Business
What's the worst thing about being an airline pilot?: Life Of An Airline Pilot
Do airline pilots get their food provided for free?: Working As An Airline Pilot
Do airline pilots work weekends?: Working As An Airline Pilot
Funny Videos
Have you ever had to do an emergency landing?: Life Of An Airline Pilot
How do I get other people to invest in my company?: Cashflow
How long does basic training take for an airline pilot?: Becoming An Airline Pilot
How much can a successful airline pilot earn?: Working As An Airline Pilot
What is an audit?: Cashflow
What is an invoice?: Definitions
What tax do I need to pay as a Franchise?: Different Types Of Business
Do I need a GCSE's or A-levels to become an airline pilot?: Becoming An Airline Pilot
Do you regularly work with the same crew?: Working As An Airline Pilot
Do you work at a particular base as an airline pilot?: Working As An Airline Pilot
How do you become an airline pilot?: Becoming An Airline Pilot
Is there any specific training you can do to become an airline pilot?: Becoming An Airline Pilot
What does an airline pilot do do?: Becoming An Airline Pilot
What kind of planes do you train in?: Becoming An Airline Pilot
Can a repossession be reversed?: Stopping Repossession
I live with my partner and we have two children, what benefits are available to me?: Benefits Availa
I've just lost my job, how will my family cope as we have no savings?: Different Types Of Benefits
Is benefit fraud a crime?: Benefit Fraud
Is there any way I won't have to continue to pay for my property after repossession?: Effects Of Rep
What is carer's allowance and how do I claim?: State Benefits
What is income support and how do I claim?: State Benefits
Can I contest an eviction warrant?: Stopping Repossession
I am in a low income job can I claim benefits as well?: Benefits For Low-Earners
III Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Polar bears hunt for seals in the Arctic - BBC wildlife
What is council tax benefit and how do I claim?: State Benefits
What is the difference between a possession hearing and a repossession hearing?: Understanding Repos
What rights do I have if I have been issued with a repossession order?: Stopping Repossession
Can I get legal aid to help me pay my court costs?: Repossession And Court
Can any of my assets be repossessed?: Understanding Repossession
How quickly can a repossession be stopped?: Stopping Repossession
If my home is repossessed can I ever claim it back?: Understanding Repossession
My house is being repossessed at the end of April but I will be able to pay my arrears a month later
Under what circumstances would my home be repossessed?: Understanding Repossession
What is an N244 form?: Stopping Repossession
Will I have to pay my lenders court costs as well as my own?: Repossession And Court
Am I given any leeway after repossession to get myself back on my feet?: Repossession Process
Can a creditor keep hold of the personal belongings in my house?: Repossession Process
Do you have a working relationship with other faiths?: Being A Priest
How long after repossession will my home be sold on?: Repossession Process
What is a mortgage?: Understanding Repossession
What is repossession?: Understanding Repossession
What procedures should my landlord or lender follow when repossessing my property?: Repossession Pro
When can my landlord or mortgage lenders apply for an eviction warrant?: Repossession Process
Where do I claim benefits?: State Benefits
Why did you choose statistics?
Would you like to be Pope?: Being A Priest
Do you think there will ever be a day when priests can get married?: Being A Priest
Funny Videos: 4 MUST WATCH Minions Stories
Has anyone ever objected to a marriage during the ceremony?: Wedding And Funerals
Have you ever had any fainting brides or grooms?: Wedding And Funerals
Is being a priest a salaried job?: The Priesthood
What are the main things that people misunderstand about Catholicism?: Catholicism
Why are we here?: The Big Questions
Can anyone get married in a Catholic church?: Wedding And Funerals
Do you get depressed if you have lots of funerals to do?: Wedding And Funerals
Do you get to choose where you work?: The Priesthood
How do you cope with grieving families and friends?: Wedding And Funerals
Sayonara UmiharaKawase + - Trailer US
What do you do if an acquaintance approaches you while you're supposed to be undercover?: Life As An
What is the significance of a Catholic funeral?: Wedding And Funerals
What vows do priests make?: Becoming A Priest
When can you retire?: The Priesthood
Who apart from God is your boss?: The Priesthood
Are vestments expensive?: Practical Priesthood
Do people treat you differently because you're a priest?: The Priesthood
Do you need to be able to act to be an undercover reporter?: Getting A Job As An Undercover Reporter
Have you ever come close to blowing your cover?: Life As An Undercover Reporter
What do you do in your average day?: The Priesthood
What would be your dream scoop?: Life As An Undercover Reporter
Where does alter wine come from?: Practical Priesthood
Who makes your vestments?: Practical Priesthood
Are all undercover jobs dangerous?: Life As An Undercover Reporter
Are undercover reporters paid per undercover report?: Being An Undercover Reporter
Do I need to be able to defend myself?: Getting A Job As An Undercover Reporter
Do assignments ever fall through fruitlessly?: Being An Undercover Reporter
What skills do I need in order to be an undercover reporter?: Getting A Job As An Undercover Reporte
How does council tax differ council by council?: Council Tax
What is 'closed circuit television'?: Surveillance
What is 'surveillance'?: Surveillance