Videos archived from 15 April 2015 Evening
Do I have to own the freehold of the property to make an application?: Applying For Planning PermissHow does it work?: Town Planning Defined
Is a multi-tied adviser still independent?: Tied Advisors
What age do planners retire?: Life As A Town Planner
What documents should I include in my application?: Applying For Planning Permission
What is a 'Design and Access Statement'?: Applying For Planning Permission
What is a 'delegated decision'?: Reaching A Decision
What is affordable housing?: Town Planning Explained
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Can I get a loan to set up a small business?: Loans For Businesses
How does town planning help improve people's lives?: Town Planning Explained
What are 'permitted development rights'?: When To Get Planning Permission
What is a masterplan?: Town Planning Explained
What risks are involved in getting a loan for a business?: Loans For Businesses
What sort of interest rate should I be looking for?: Interest
Why are predatory loans illegal?: Predatory Loans
Why is town planning important?: Town Planning Defined
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Is it a good idea to get a predatory loan?: Predatory Loans
Is it a good idea to get insurance against my loan?: Problems With Loans
What do I do if I can't afford to repay my unsecured loan?: Problems With Loans
What do I need to be aware of when getting a loan for a small business?: Loans For Businesses
What is 'simple' interest?: Interest
What is a County Court Judgement (CCJ)?: Problems With Loans
What is a bank overdraft?: Unsecured Loans
Why might I get a loan to pay off my debts?: Debt Consolidation
Do I need to own my own home to get a secured loan?: Secured Loans
What are the drawbacks of a secured loan?: Secured Loans
What are the drawbacks of getting a loan?: Loans Defined
What different sorts of loans are there?: Loans Defined
What is a good APR?: Loan Period
What is a secured loan?: Secured Loans
What is an Annual Percentage Rate APR?: Loan Period
Where can I get a loan?: Loans Defined
Why should I get a loan from a Bank or Building Society?: Loans Defined
How do you access free long term care?: Long Term Care
What are the benefits of a secured loan?: Secured Loans
What are the drawbacks of an unsecured loan?: Unsecured Loans
What are the drawbacks of getting a personal loan?: Unsecured Loans
What are the financial implications of a spouse dying?: Relationships
What are the pros and cons of downsizing my property?: Financial Security
What is a personal loan?: Unsecured Loans
What is an example of an unsecured loan?: Unsecured Loans
Can you still work and draw your state pension?: Pensions
Do I have to pay tax on my pension?: Pensions
How do I find a good financial advisor?: Financial Security
How do I trace a pension I have paid into?: Pensions
How do you finance care for elderly parents?: Long Term Care
Should I pay for a policy to protect myself from identity theft?: Financial Security
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What is an ISA?: Financial Jargon
What is index linked term insurance?: Types Of Cover
What is inheritance tax?: Inheritance Tax
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How can I prepare myself for retirement financially?: Preparing For Retirement
How will my National Insurance contributions affect my pensions?: Pensions
What are life insurance premiums?: Types Of Cover
What determines the cost of my premium?: Types Of Cover
What is 'whole of life' insurance?: Types Of Cover
What is convertible term insurance?: Types Of Cover
What is endowment life insurance?: Types Of Cover
What is level term insurance?: Types Of Cover
Where can retired people go for help when they face money troubles?: Preparing For Retirement
Do people ever try to fake their own death?: Making A Claim
Do you have to have an interest in art to become an art dealer?: Becoming An Art Dealer
How do insurers prevent fraud?: Making A Claim
I have a joint mortgage with my flatmate, can I be a beneficiary of their policy?: Making A Claim
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What different types of life insurance are there?: Types Of Cover
What happens to the money I pay into my policy?: Life Insurance Defined
What is the worst thing about being an art dealer?: Life Of An Art Dealer
Will life insurance cover my business partner?: Applying For Life Insurance
Will my life insurance policy pay out if I commit suicide?: Making A Claim
Can I insure myself for any amount of money?: Applying For Life Insurance
How do the life insurance companies benefit?: Life Insurance Defined
How important is it to disclose all the facts when applying?: Applying For Life Insurance
Is it worth shopping around each year for life insurance?: Applying For Life Insurance
What are the other terms used to describe life insurance?: Life Insurance Defined
What happens at the end of the policy if a claim is not made?: Making A Claim
What is life insurance?: Life Insurance Defined
What should I do if somebody needs emergency assistance?: First Aid
Are there occupations where people can't get insured?: Applying For Life Insurance
Are there situations where my life insurance policy wouldn't pay out after my death?: Making A Claim
Have you ever been attacked when attending to someone?: Life Of A Paramedic
What happens if the buyer doesn't like the work once they get it home?: Working As An Art Gallery De
Do you become hardened to traumatic situations?: Life Of A Paramedic
Do you need to work for a gallery to be an art dealer?: Working As An Art Gallery Dealer
Do you personally represent particular artists for the gallery?: Working As An Art Gallery Dealer
Is being an art dealer a full time job?: Becoming An Art Dealer
Should I insure in case of long term disability and illness?: Applying For Life Insurance
What effect does genetics have on life insurance?: Applying For Life Insurance
What makes a great artist stand out from the crowd?: Life Of An Art Dealer
What was the most difficult situation you've had to deal with in your work?: Life Of A Paramedic
Can I get insurance if I'm disabled?: Applying For Life Insurance
Do artists have regular customers or collectors?: Working As An Art Gallery Dealer
Do you have a set number of artists that you represent?: Working As An Art Gallery Dealer
Have you discovered someone who is now a big star?: Working As An Art Gallery Dealer
How damaging is a bad review or show to an artist's career?: Life Of An Art Dealer
How do you prepare for arriving at a dangerous situation?: Working Conditions For Paramedics