Videos archived from 15 April 2015 Evening
Can the AIFA recommend an IFA for me?: The AIFAWhat are the advantages of using a tied adviser?: Tied Advisors
What are the disadvantages of using a tied adviser?: Tied Advisors
What do the FSA do?: The FSA
Who are the Financial Services Authority (FSA)?: The FSA
Are tied advisers regulated?: Tied Advisors
How do I work out my financial aims?: Financial Advice Defined
How does a financial advisor decide what products I need?: Financial Advice Defined
If tied advisers can only offer a limited range of products, why might I use one over an IFA?: Tied
What is a 'multi-tied adviser'?: Tied Advisors
What is a 'tied adviser'?: Tied Advisors
What is the difference between a tied adviser and an IFA?: Tied Advisors
Who are the Association of Independent Financial Advisers (AIFA)?: The AIFA
How do I decide on the type of financial adviser I need?: Financial Advice Defined
How do I work out my risk appetite?: Financial Advice Defined
How does my risk appetite affect my financial decisions?: Financial Advice Defined
Protester rushes Mario Draghi, disrupts ECB news conference
What is 'risk appetite'?: Financial Advice Defined
What is the Financial Services Authority (FSA)?: Financial Advice Defined
Kurrent: a 10,000 dollar electric car
What is a 'product'?: Financial Advice Defined
What is an authorised financial adviser?: Financial Advice Defined
Why would I need financial advice?: Financial Advice Defined
Are IFAs paid by fee or commission?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
BAŞAK burcu günlük yorumu, bugün (16 Nisan 2015)
Do IFAs receive commission from the product providers?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
Do IFAs specialise in certain products and services?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
Urdu Nursery Rhyme Cham Cham Cham
What is a financial adviser?: Financial Advice Defined
Are there any advanced qualifications for IFAs?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
Is it worth shopping around for an IFA?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
Snowmobile crashes
What are risks in involving an IFA?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
What are the advantages of using an IFA?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
What are the disadvantages of using an IFA?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
What is a 'product provider'?: Financial Advice Defined
How do I find out if an IFA is authorised?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
How much does an IFA cost?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
Should I pick an IFA with advanced qualifications?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
What advice can an IFA provide?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
What does an IFA do?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
What is a 'keyfacts' document?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
What is the difference between a financial adviser and an IFA?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs
Who regulates IFAs?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
Why should I use an IFA?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
Are IFAs for individuals of companies?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
How do I choose which IFA to use?: Finding An IFA
How will I be notified of the decision?: The Planning Decision
What are the risks of using an unauthorised IFA?: Finding An IFA
What is an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA)?: Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs)
What questions should I ask an IFA before I sign up?: Finding An IFA
What service can I expect from an IFA?: Finding An IFA
017 - Island of Enormous Pokemon! (Jap)
How can I check the progress of a decision?: Reaching A Decision
How long does a committee decision take?: Reaching A Decision
How quickly can I start work after the decision has been made?: The Planning Decision
If permission is granted, what conditions may the development be subject to?: The Planning Decision
Le dépôt du palais de justice
What are the possible outcomes of an application?: The Planning Decision
What does it mean if an application is 'called in'?: Reaching A Decision
What happens if no decision is reached within the target time period?: Reaching A Decision
Where can I find IFAs?: Finding An IFA
What are 'material considerations'?: Reaching A Decision
What are 'non-material considerations'?: Reaching A Decision
What happens after the application has been submitted?: Applying For Planning Permission
What is a 'committee decision'?: Reaching A Decision
What is the 'Development Plan'?: Reaching A Decision
What is the 'Local Development Framework'?: Reaching A Decision
Will the case officer help me to get my application through?: Reaching A Decision
Can I challenge an appeal decision?: Appealing Against The Decision
Do I have to own the property to make an application?: Applying For Planning Permission
How much will the planning application fee be?: Applying For Planning Permission
What are 'reserved matters'?: Applying For Planning Permission
What does a planning case officer do?: Reaching A Decision
What types of application are there?: Applying For Planning Permission
Who benefits from planning permission being granted?: Applying For Planning Permission
Will one case officer be in charge of my application?: Reaching A Decision
Can I apply if I have the leasehold?: Applying For Planning Permission
How will householder applications be affected?: Changes To The Planning System
How will the local development framework be affected?: Changes To The Planning System
In what circumstances can I appeal against the decision?: Appealing Against The Decision
What are 'written representations'?: Appealing Against The Decision
What else should I send in with my application?: Applying For Planning Permission
What scale do any plans need to be?: Applying For Planning Permission
Will it change the planning system for the better?: Changes To The Planning System
How should I comment on someone else's appeal?: Commenting On Planning Applications
How will it help combat climate change?: Changes To The Planning System
What is a public inquiry or formal hearing?: Appealing Against The Decision
What is the deadline for appeal?: Appealing Against The Decision
What is the planning white paper and how will it affect planning?: Changes To The Planning System
Will local communities have more of a say in the development of major infrastructures?: Changes To T
How can I make sure my comments will be taken into consideration?: Commenting On Planning Applicatio
How does an informal hearing work?: Appealing Against The Decision
How will the appeal system be affected?: Changes To The Planning System
To whom do I appeal?: Appealing Against The Decision
Where can I go for help with my appeal?: Appealing Against The Decision
Who can I ask for help with making comments on planning applications?: Commenting On Planning Applic
Can I object once planning permission has been granted?: Commenting On Planning Applications
Can I speak at the planning committee?: Commenting On Planning Applications
How do I comment on a planning application?: Commenting On Planning Applications