Videos archived from 15 April 2015 Evening
How To Deal With Broken NailDo you prefer to work with models who have a certain look?: Working With Models
What's your view on the size zero' debate?: Working With Models
How To Construct A Detox Meal Plan
How can I develop better eating habits?: Dieting To Lose The Freshman 15
What foods should I limit or avoid to lose the Freshman 15?: Dieting To Lose The Freshman 15
What should I do if my Freshman 15 is becoming the Sophomore 20?: Dieting To Lose The Freshman 15
How does stress contribute to the Freshman 15?: Stress, Parties And The Freshman 15
How many calories should I cut to lose the Freshman 15?: Dieting To Lose The Freshman 15
How should I get my hair cut if I am trying to grow it?: Haircare: FAQ
If I skip a meal can I save those calories for drinking?: Stress, Parties And The Freshman 15
What causes the Freshman 15?: The Freshman 15- Fact Or Fiction?
Are all popular diets fad diets?: What Makes A Diet A Fad Diet
How To Get Luscious Lips
How many Americans are on a diet?: About Fad Diets
I'm mother of the bride, what do I wear?: Fashion Advice For The Over 40s
NS-Lie Still Pt1
What do all fad diets have in common?: What Makes A Diet A Fad Diet
What foods are restricted on the Atkins Diet?: Eating On Atkins
What side effects can pop up when I start taking Alli?: Alli Side Effects
[Disney Frozen]Sad je kraj (Let It Go in Serbian) with clip in HD
MYTH-It's good to take a laxative to help cleanse the body?: Master Cleanse Diet Myths
What is considered 20 grams of carbohydrates?: Eating On Atkins
What is the 'Master Cleanse Diet'?: About The Master Cleanse Diet
What is the Atkins Diet eating plan?: Eating On Atkins
What is the Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox?: Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox At A Glance
What is the overall analysis of Alli?: Alli Side Effects
What is the philosophy behind the Atkins Diet?: Atkins Diet At A Glance
Barn jackets-a do or a don't?: Dos And Don'ts For Outerwear
Floral print dresses-a do or a don't?: Dos And Don'ts For Dresses
How To Choose Shoes For Formal Dresses
How can you avoid an Alli Oops?: Alli Side Effects
How do I know if Alli is working?: Using Alli
When do I have to stop wearing jeans?: Fashion Faux-Pas
Denim jumpers-a do or a don't?: More Dos And Don'ts For Denim
How To Put On Sparkly Eyeshadow
How do I keep my capris from becoming a fashion don't?: Dos And Don'ts For Casual Pants
What are 'mom jeans'?: Dos And Don'ts For Denim
What are the do's and don'ts of A-line skirts?: Dos And Don'ts For Skirts
Where do I get flat and practical but stylish shoes?: Fashion Advice For The Over 40s
la fea 1-17 v1
Amália Rodrigues - Fado Português
Does it hurt?: Permanent Make-Up - Basics
How can I keep my perm from turning into an 80's flashback?: Perming Your Hair
How many hairbrushes do I need?: Hair Brushes
How should I blow dry my curls?: Understanding Curly Hair
I have broken blood vessels, can I still have semi permanent make-up applied?: Permanent Make-Up - F
What should I look for in a good hair brush?: Hair Brushes
Can I have it done in the privacy of my own home?: Permanent Make-Up - Basics
Can I still go into the sun?: Permanent Make-Up - Face
How is it done?: Permanent Make-Up - Basics
How long after the treatment can I eat?: Permanent Make-Up - Lips
What make up can you apply to the eyes?: Permanent Make-Up Eyes
Would you say your job is glamorous?: Working As A Makeup Artist
Have you done makeup for anyone famous?: Working As A Makeup Artist
How To Work That Blonde Bombshell Look
How can I conceal thread veins?: Make Up Troubleshooting
I've over done the blusher, what should I do?: Make Up Troubleshooting
What advice would you give to aspiring models?: Working With Models
What are the side effects of biliopancreatic diversion bypass surgery?: Biliopancreatic Diversion
Will a light coloured eye shadow on the inner corners of my eyes make them look bigger?: Make Up Myt
Will foundation protect me from the sun?: Make Up Myths And Legends
Can a sleeve gastrectomy be dangerous or fatal?: Sleeve Gastrectomy
How fast can I lose weight after duodenal switch bypass surgery?: Duodenal Switch
Is gastric bypass surgery more suitable for men or women?: Gastric Bypass Candidates
What are the chances of gaining weight back after a sleeve gastrectomy?: Sleeve Gastrectomy
What are the side effects of duodenal switch bypass surgery?: Duodenal Switch
What is 'laparoscopic bariatric' bypass surgery?: Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
Who is eligible to get laparoscopic bariatric bypass surgery?: Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
Will chocolate give me spots?: Make Up Myths And Legends
Will drawing on a new lip line make my lips look bigger?: Make Up Myths And Legends
Can lap-band surgery be dangerous or fatal?: Adjustable Gastric Banding
How can I color my hair at home?: Coloring Your Hair At Home
Is gastric bypass surgery the first choice in obesity treatment?: Gastric Bypass Candidates
What are some experimental gastric bypass procedures?: Advances In Gastric Bypass
What are the chances of gaining weight after roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery?: Roux-En-Y Gastric By
What are the psychological effects of gastric bypass?: Gastric Bypass And Mental Health
What is a 'restrictive weight loss' surgery?: Adjustable Gastric Banding
What is modern medicine doing to aid weight loss?: Advances In Gastric Bypass
Are shampoos with sulfates bad for color-treated hair?: Keeping Your Color Vibrant
Are there any limitations for color processing?: The Hair Color Process
How To Conceal A Blemish
How can hormones affect hair color?: Special Considerations For Hair Color
How can silicones or serums affect color-treated hair?: Keeping Your Color Vibrant
How should I select a box hair color?: Coloring Your Hair At Home
Is it possible to lighten your hair with lemons?: Coloring Your Hair At Home
Are you glad you had the surgery?: Gastric Bypass: The Decision
Did you choose gastric bypass partly for mental health reasons?: Gastric Bypass: How To Decide
How can I keep my brown hair beautiful?: Keeping Your Color Vibrant
How do you feel overall after gastric bypass surgery?: Psychological Effects Of Gastric Bypass
What activities are off-limits to the pageant girls?: House Mom Rules For Pageant Contestants
What is a 'dual process color'?: The Hair Color Process
When did you know it was time to change your lifestyle?: Life Before Gastric Bypass
Are there herbal products to help me lose the Freshman 15 faster?: Dieting To Lose The Freshman 15
How To Move Like A Beauty Queen
How To Put On Floral
How To Take Off Hair Extensions
Were you afraid to have gastric bypass?: Gastric Bypass: The Decision
What are pageant sponsors?: The Cost Of Competing In A Pagent
What's the best diet to lose the Freshman 15?: Dieting To Lose The Freshman 15