Archived > 2015 April > 15 Evening > 234

Videos archived from 15 April 2015 Evening

Why is it important to know my body type?: How To Figure Out Your Body Type
Are there any rules to style?: Style Basics
Do I have to follow the latest trends to be stylish?: Style Basics
How To Treat Hair Breakage
How To Wear Satin Tops
Megyn Kelly Destroys Debbie Wasserman Schulz in Abortion Debate
What are the best clothes from Ralph Lauren?: Shopping Like A Stylist
What is 'style'?: Style Basics
What is a 'narrow shaped' body?: How To Figure Out Your Body Type
What is a 'stylist'?: Style Basics
Do I have to be rich to be stylish?: Style Basics
How To Blend Silver Eye Shadow
What are the best clothes from Club Monaco?: Shopping Like A Stylist
What are the best clothes from DKNY?: Shopping Like A Stylist
What clothes should I pay more for?: Shopping Like A Stylist
What dresses look best on a pear shaped body?: How To Work Your Pear Shaped Body
What skirts should I own?: Wardrobe Staples
Where can I find the latest fashion trends?: Style Basics
Calculate The Height Of Any Tall Object!
What advances have been made within the area of trichology?: Hair Facts
What does a trichologist do?: Hair Facts
What is a body 'type'?: How To Figure Out Your Body Type
What jackets should I own?: Wardrobe Staples
Should a man wax his beard or mustache?: Hair Removal Tips For Men
What are some tips about following fashion trends?: Fashion Fundamentals
What is a 'pear shaped' body?: How To Figure Out Your Body Type
What pants should I own?: Wardrobe Staples
How do you get head lice?: Head Lice
Should I match my clothing color to the season?: Fashion Fundamentals
What are in-growing hairs?: Hair Removal Basics
What clothes should I throw away?: Renovating Your Closet
What is an 'hourglass shaped' body?: How To Figure Out Your Body Type
What is the structure of the hair?: Hair Growth And Breakage
Which hair removal technique is the most painful?: Hair Removal Basics
Can I prevent or slow down the production of grey hair?: Hair Colour
Does everyone in the family need to be treated for head lice?: Head Lice
How can diet affect your hair and scalp?: Hair Facts
Should you only use certain dyes on different types of hair?: Hair Colour
What are the disadvantages of sugaring?: Sugaring Body Hair
What is plucking?: Plucking Body Hair
What is shaving?: Shaving Body Hair
What is the difference between head lice and nits?: Head Lice
How To Deal With Dandruff
How To Have Gel Wax Back Hair
How To Put On Coloured Eyeliner
Is sugaring good value for money?: Sugaring Body Hair
What are depilatory creams?: Depilatory Creams
What are the disadvantages of shaving?: Shaving Body Hair
What can be the causes of dry and itchy scalps?: Itchy Scalp
What is light therapy hair removal?: Permanent Hair Removal - Light Treatment
Which hair removal technique is the most long lasting?: Hair Removal Basics
How long does it take until it's effective?: Permanent Hair Removal - Light Treatment
How long will it last?: Permanent Hair Removal - Light Treatment
Is it good value for money?: Permanent Hair Removal - Sound Treatment
What are the disadvantages of light treatment?: Permanent Hair Removal - Light Treatment
What is sugaring?: Sugaring Body Hair
What parts of the body are commonly waxed by men?: Hair Removal Tips For Men
Which areas of the body does it suit?: Permanent Hair Removal - Sound Treatment
Do tattoos fade?: Caring For Your Tattoo
Does waxing reduce the amount of hair growing back?: Waxing Body Hair
Is it good value for money?: Permanent Hair Removal - Electrolysis
What happens when you undergo sound treatment?: Permanent Hair Removal - Sound Treatment
What should I consider before getting a tattoo?: Tattoo Considerations
What should I look for in a tattoo shop?: Tattoos And Your Health
What type of skin does it suit?: Permanent Hair Removal - Sound Treatment
Which areas of the body does it suit?: Permanent Hair Removal - Electrolysis
"Sucker Love" -- Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
How can I tell if my tattoo is infected?: Caring For Your Tattoo
How can changes in my weight affect my tattoo?: Tattoo Considerations
How can tanning affect a tattoo?: Caring For Your Tattoo
How does laser tattoo removal work?: Removing Your Tattoo
How much thought did you put into choosing gastric bypass?: Gastric Bypass: How To Decide
Interview exclusive avec son Excellence Jean- Paul Carteron président fondateur de Crans Montana :En
Should I use lotion on my new tattoo?: Caring For Your Tattoo
What should I do if my tattoo gets infected?: Caring For Your Tattoo
How is tattoo equipment sterilized?: Tattoos And Your Health
Melting the Chocolate for the Strawberries
What are the main types of artificial nails?: Manicure Basics
What is a 'callous'?: Callous Care
What is a tattoo?: Tattoo Basics
What should I know before I get a tattoo?: Tattoo Basics
When did you pursue legal representation?: The De-Crowning Moment
Will having tattoos affect my employment?: Tattoo Considerations
A Guide To Waxing A Man's Eyebrows
Are there any risks associated with removing calluses?: Callous Care
How To Pick Jeans For Age 40
How do I find a good tattoo artist?: Tattoo Artists
How should a callous be removed?: Callous Care
How should acrylic nails be removed?: How To Get The Right Acrylics
What causes a 'bacterial infection'?: Nail Infections
What should I look for in a tattoo artist?: Tattoo Artists
Why does nail polish last longer on fake nails?: Natural Nails
How can I get the conservative look on a budget?: Style On A Budget
How can a pedicure keep my feet healthy?: How To Do A Proper Pedicure
Not To Make Your Lipstick Look Natural
Should I clip or file my nails?: Natural Nails
What are 'cuticle softeners'?: Manicure Basics
What are 'toe separators'?: How To Do A Proper Pedicure
What causes a 'fungal nail infection'?: Nail Infections