Archived > 2015 April > 15 Evening > 193

Videos archived from 15 April 2015 Evening

How do I apply for an HSMP?: Working In The UK
How long is a 'fiance visa' valid for?: Marriage And Family
How long is a British passport valid for?: British Passports
I am married to a someone settled in the UK, will I automatically become a British citizen?: Marriag
Is it difficult to fake passports?: British Passports
Puppini Sisters - Music Hall Meltdown
What is an asylum seeker?: Asylum
Do you need enter the UK to gain asylum?: Asylum
How do I get a British passport?: British Passports
How long is a spouse visa valid for?: Marriage And Family
What is 'discretionary leave'?: Asylum
Бережная Экономия Вашего Бюджета!
Does a spouse visa apply to those in civil partnerships?: Marriage And Family
Why is a spouse visa valid for longer if you marry an EU national?: Marriage And Family
Calikusu/Королек - птичка певчая
How can I use rhythm effectively in my poem?: Poetry Techniques
How do I choose what form to use?: Types Of Poetry
How do I write a love poem?: Poetry For Special Occasions
What does an immigration advisor do?: Getting Immigration Advice
What is a 'non visa national'?: Immigration Basics
What is a 'refugee'?: Asylum
What is a 'visa'?: Immigration Basics
What protection does Britain provide for refugees?: Asylum
If somebody has a visa does it guarantee entry?: Immigration Basics
Is poetry taught well in schools?: Helping Your Child To Write
What is 'rhyme'?: Poetry Techniques
What is a 'Overseas Diplomatic Mission'?: Immigration Basics
What is a 'passport'?: British Passports
What poets would you recommend for beginners?: Starting Out
Do different forms of poetry fulfill different purposes?: Types Of Poetry
What is a 'visa national'?: Immigration Basics
What is an 'immigrant'?: Immigration Basics
Which special occasions deserve a poem?: Poetry For Special Occasions
Why do they make a distinction between a visa national and a non visa national?: Immigration Basics
Can you teach someone to be a good poet?: Starting Out
Is it cheating to use a rhyming dictionary?: Poetry Techniques
What is 'immigration'?: Immigration Basics
Do poems need to be edited?: Poetry Publishing And Editing
How can I use diction effectively in my poem?: Poetry Techniques
How do I convey meaning in a poem?: Poetry Techniques
NA-246 by-election will not use biometric machines
Romance of Steam Calendar 2014 Review
Where can I learn about 'technical' poetry?: Starting Out
At what age can kids start writing poems?: Helping Your Child To Write
Can adults learn anything from the poems children write?: Helping Your Child To Write
Des civelles relâchées dans la Vilaine
Does everyone harbour a hidden poet?: Starting Out
How can I get into an anthology?: Poetry Publishing And Editing
How can I write a good poem about someone I know?: Poetry For Special Occasions
Who manages immigration in the UK?: Immigration Basics
Can I make a living as a poet?: Poetry Publishing And Editing
Do I have to write every day?: Poetry Publishing And Editing
How important is a poet's note book?: Starting Out
Are there any tools that can help with writing poetry?: Starting Out
Does a professional poet need an agent?: Poetry Publishing And Editing
How do you feel about how werewolves are portrayed in the media?: Interview With A Werewolf
How hard is it to become a published poet?: Poetry Publishing And Editing
Where do werewolves come from?: Interview With A Werewolf
How do you start taking up astronomy?: Astronomy
How many poems do I need to write to warrant my own book?: Poetry Publishing And Editing
What is an 'anthology', a 'collection' and a 'selection'?: Poetry Publishing And Editing
What is the hardest form of poetry to write, and why?: Types Of Poetry
Do you get a lot of conspiracy theorists contacting you?: 'The Sky At Night'
How do I get my poetry published professionally?: Poetry Publishing And Editing
How do you self publish poetry?: Poetry Publishing And Editing
How would you define astronomy?: Astronomy
Kατηγορητήριο για Μαρί
What are poetry publishers looking for?: Poetry Publishing And Editing
A Guide To Living Under The Radar
Are there divisions between amateurs and professionals in astronomy?: Astronomy
How do I get a theatrical agent to meet me?: Breaking Into Broadway - Agents
Is poetry for children 'less technical' than poetry for adults?: Poetry For Kids
Are werewolves protected by the Endangered Species Act?: Interview With A Werewolf
Guide To Dancing In A Night Club
How To Do The Vibrato Voice
How To Tune Your Drum Kit
How long do it take you to write a poem?: About Michael Rosen
What does a day in the life of a children's laureate involve?: About Michael Rosen
মালিবাগ চৌধুরীপাড়ায় টিনের বাড়ি দেবে নিহত ১১
A Guide To Time Travelling
Are there rules for writing poetry?: Poetry Basics
Does a poem have to rhyme?: Poetry Techniques
How To Organize Children's Birthday Parties
What is a 'round brilliant cut' diamond?: Diamond Cuts Defined
What is the Eye of Jupiter?: Space
Where do you find inspiration?: About Michael Rosen
How can I encourage my child to try writing a poem?: Helping Your Child To Write
The Flash 1x19 Extended Promo Who is Harrison Wells
What makes a good poem?: Poetry Basics
What makes something a poem rather than a collection of lines or words?: Poetry Basics
What was it like to meet Einstein?: Life Of A Legend
Why does Saturn have rings and other planets don't?: Space
Do I need to register my copyright?: Copyrights
How did you become 'The Gamesmaster'?: Life Of A Legend
How long should a poem be?: Poetry Basics
Is it easier to write poems for children, or for adults?: Poetry For Kids
Is it illegal to copy music and distribute it even if I am not making money out of it?: Copyrights
Paralyzed Woman Pushes To Walk In Her Wedding
What is 'free verse'?: Types Of Poetry