Videos archived from 15 April 2015 Evening
I've been asked to make revisions - can I ask for development money?: Getting AcceptedTop 10 Biggest Mafias Around the world
What is an editor?: Publishing Industry Basics
How To Know Deathly Hallows Predictions
How can I tell a good agent from a bad one?: Finding The Right Agent
Ive bumped into a well known publisher in a social setting should I pitch my book to them?: Approach
What is a 'fanzine'?: Types Of Comic Books
How many toys should I bring for my children?: Packing For Family Vacations
Mark Rutte doet Geert Wilders na!
What is the one thing I could do that will make me look out of place at a hot club or bar?: Inside A
How To Learn The Front Break Step In Salsa
How To Learn To Sing Pop
How do table manners differ among cultures?: Table Manners Across Cultures
How does someone become a writer on a talk show?: Late Night Talk Show Production
Should I plan my novel before I start?: Planning Your Novel
When did you start developing your competitive eating skills?: Growing Up To Be A Competitive Eater
Why is a cover needed for the CIA?: Developing A Cover As A CIA Spy
Does your public persona make you a lightning rod for nut-cases?: Life As An Author
How To Adjust A Violin
How To Put A String On A Banjo
How To Whistle Higher And Lower
How can I know if my someone's drink has been spiked?: How To Know If Someone's Drink Has Been Spike
How can I shop on the Internet?: How To Shop On The Internet
If someone attacks me, how can I defend myself?: How To Defend Yourself If Someone Attacks You
What grounds can you be granted asylum?: Asylum
What's your advice to someone who wants to be the next Apprentice?: How To Get Great Advice If You W
Do you prefer werewolf or verevolf?: Interview With A Werewolf
Do you think that the space program is in worse shape than it was in the 1960s?: Space
GFCA - LYON ! Le Demey Flo Show
How To Succeed On 'The Price Is Right'
What do I need to do before I leave for a trip?: Prepare To Travel
What is a 'Pullman' suitcase?: Luggage
What is going through your mind during a competitive eating contest?: The Eating Contest
What qualities make a good Broadway producer?: The Broadway Producer
What type of wardrobe should I pack for a cruise or resort vacation?: Packing For Cruises And Resort
Do children really like poetry?: Poetry For Kids
How can I protect my copyright?: Copyrights
How do nonprofits help me get my play produced?: How A Play Gets To Broadway
What is a 'Play Reading Program'?: How A Play Gets To Broadway
What should I focus on when looking at a diamond under magnification?: The Loupe
Where should I keep money on me when I travel?: Travel Money
Which diamond cuts have the highest resale value?: Diamond Cuts Questions
Will a theatre, agent or producer read my script right away?: How A Play Gets To Broadway
Do agents ever take on authors following the selfpublishing route?: Publishing Your Own Book
How To Have The Keira Knightley Red Carpet Look
How To Master Cold Reading Techniques
Is it true that only 28% of Americans have a passport?: Working With Americans: The Cultural Differe
Should my toiletry kit go in my luggage or in my carry-on bag?: Toiletry Kits
What is a 'viewing station'?: CIA Mind Control Theories
What is the future of bodybuilding?: Bodybuilding For A Gladiator
Where do TV crews stay when shooting in the wilderness or extreme settings?: Adventure Reality Show
Are there allegations that the CIA was connected to the Jonestown massacre?: CIA Mind Control Theori
Do you participate in competitive eating for money or recognition?: The Competitive Eating Contest
How To Go-Go Dance
How do I return rentals and avoid penalties?: How To Return Rentals And Avoid Penalties After Your P
How far in advance should I plan a vacation with my extended family?: Multigenerational Family Vacat
How should I layout my party?: How To Layout Your Party
What is an open call?: Auditioning For Broadway
Where can I buy an electric car?: Buying A Hybrid Car
Do you ever gift people other than celebrities?: Celebrity Award Season
How To Do A Brise In Ballet
How To Do The Back Break Step
How can I make a character believable?: How To Make Your Character Believable In Your Book
How can I stand out in a Broadway audition?: Auditioning For Broadway
How do I change my digital camera's file-size settings?: How To Change Your Digital Camera's File Si
How long will it be before I can buy a hydrogen fuel cell car?: Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology
Maid At Home: Wedding Brooch Bouquet
What's it like to be a spirit?: James Van Praagh On Life After Death
Aamir Ghouri Analysis On Altaf Hussain Bail
Does 'Amber' ever 'visit' The Bold and the Beautiful'?: Ambrosia "Amber" Moore
How To Combine Rolls On The Banjo
How To Destroy The Planet
How To Make Graffiti People
How To Play The Banjo
Should I send flowers for a Chinese funeral?: Funerals Across Cultures
What is the secret to winning a literary prize?: Literary Prizes
What kind of flowers should I bring as a gift?: How To Know What Kind Of Flowers You Should Bring As
How To Play Bongo Drums
How do I choose the best pepper spray?: How To Choose The Best Pepper Spray
How do I choose the right bicycle for my child?: How To Choose The Right Bicycle For Your Child
How do I get a nonprofit to invest in my play?: How To Get A Nonprofit To Invest In Your Play
What does it mean to you to be Goth?: Demystifying The Goth Subculture
When was the first CSI lab established?: Early History Of CSI
Why do you think you were never taken into 'The Apprentice' boardroom?: The Apprentice
Can I become successful by printing and distributing my own book?: Publishing Your Own Book
Can a first-time writer win a literary prize?: Literary Prizes
Did Jeff Conaway suffer from major childhood trauma?: The Cast Of "Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew"
Has Donald given you any words of inspiration?: Working For Donald Trump
How To Create Dangerous-Looking Paper Airplanes
How To Draw Mario Of Mario Bros
How To Master Banjo Chord Shapes
I can't get an agent what does this mean?: Getting An Agent
Kashif Abbasi Shows Letter Of Scotland Yard About Three Suspectd Who Are From APMSO
The Silent National Anthem , India
When are CIA spies sent to other countries?: Living Abroad As A CIA Spy
Do celebrities have to pay tax on gift bags?: Celebrity Gift Bags- The Dirt
How To Create A Santa Origami Step by Step
How To Pull Through A Monster Attack
How can I make myself attractive to agents?: How To Make Yourself Attractive To Literary Agents
How did Paris even become famous in the first place?: Celebutante: Paris Hilton