Videos archived from 15 April 2015 Evening
What is "infrared radiation" and how does it contribute to global warming?: Ozone And Greenhouse GasWhat is the "Medieval Warm Period"?: Ozone And Greenhouse Gases
What is the difference between "city miles" and "highway miles"?: Being 'Fuel Efficient'
Who rates hotels?: Hotel Basics
Episode 5 Angry German Kid goes to jail part 1
What are "climate models"?: Ozone And Greenhouse Gases
What are "natural greenhouse gases"?: Ozone And Greenhouse Gases
What characterizes the typical victim of violent crime?: Violent Crime Safety
What is "carbon dioxide" or "CO2" and how does it contribute to global warming?: Ozone And Greenhous
How can a "family plan" protect my loved ones from violent crime?: Violent Crime Safety
What is "carbon sequestration"?: Fossil Fuels
What is the "ozone layer"?: Ozone And Greenhouse Gases
What is the most important thing I can do to protect myself from violent crime?: Violent Crime Safet
What options are available if I am traveling with my family or a group?: Hotel Basics
What types of violent crime are the most common?: Violent Crime Safety
Will the planet run out of fossil fuels?: Fossil Fuels
Does carbon sequestration really work?: Fossil Fuels
How does our use of fossil fuels cause global warming?: Fossil Fuels
How should I pick a hotel?: Hotel Basics
What are the risks of carbon sequestration?: Fossil Fuels
What is "Nitrogen Dioxide" (NO2)?: Fossil Fuels
What is "oil"?: Fossil Fuels
What is a "power plant"?: Fossil Fuels
What methods do power plants use to cut down on CO2 emissions?: Fossil Fuels
What types of violent crime are most preventable?: Violent Crime Safety
Which fossil fuels are used to create electricity?: Fossil Fuels
Council of Europe Journal
Does the way I dress attract criminals?: Safety On The Streets
How do I resize my digital photos?: Viewing Your Digital Photos
How do I view my photos on my digital camera's LCD?: Viewing Your Digital Photos
What are "carbon emissions"?: Fossil Fuels
What is a "fossil fuel"?: Fossil Fuels
Are groups of young men vulnerable to violent crime?: Safety On The Streets
Evolution of Beyoncé - Pentatonix
How can I protect myself from street crime?: Safety On The Streets
How can you stay safe while jogging?: Safety On The Streets
What are the health effects of mercury on the human body?: Oil Wells
What should I do if someone in the street makes an aggressive comment about my race?: Safety On The
What should I do if someone in the street makes an aggressive homophobic comment towards me?: Safety
Are men safer from street crime than women?: Safety On The Streets
How can I keep my drink safe from being spiked?: Safety On The Streets
I live in a 'nice neighbourhood'; I don't have to be that careful do I?: Safety On The Streets
VES Hostel
What are the dangers of abandoned oil wells?: Oil Wells
What can I do if I'm being harassed on my way home?: Safety On The Streets
What can I do if someone is making aggressive sexual comments at me in the street?: Safety On The St
What can men do to avoid scaring women walking on the street at night?: Safety On The Streets
What is your advice for walking at night?: Safety On The Streets
How does leaking oil contaminate ground and surface water?: Oil Wells
How does offshore oil drilling damage the ocean?: Oil Wells
How does the growing world population affect forests?: Global Warming And The Spread Of Disease And
How have indigenous tribes on every continent been affected by the oil industry?: Oil Wells
How will global warming affect farming in "Third World" countries?: Global Warming And The Spread Of
Manuela Schwesig spricht im Bundesrat zur Quote
What behaviour makes me more likely to be vulnerable to street crime?: Safety On The Streets
What is "carbon footprint"?: Global Warming And The Spread Of Disease And Famine
What is "sprawl" and how does it affect global climate change?: Global Warming And The Spread Of Dis
How To Acquiant People
How To Dance Quickstep As The Leader
How To Do International Waltz On The Dance Floor
How To Receive An Oscar
What equipment do I need for video editing?: Editing Your Camcorder Video
How To Make An Underwater Video
If a couple are shouting aggressively at each other in public, should I intervene?: Witnessing Crime
What is the difference between SP, LP and EP recording modes on my camcorder?: How Camcorders Work
What kind of deals or discounts do hotels offer senior citizens?: Hotel Deals, Tips, And Tricks
What should I do if I witness a sexual attack?: Witnessing Crime
How To Exit A Party Graciously
How To Pole Dance The Cradle Spin For Intermediates
How big is your brain?: Stephen Fry: Learning
How do I get the best deal on my hotel room?: Hotel Deals, Tips, And Tricks
לירן דנינו - ללכת - Liran Danino Lalechet
How To Handle Children On A Long Haul Flight
How can I use my AAA discount when booking a reservation online?: Hotel Deals, Tips, And Tricks
How does a family plan work when the family is not together?: Violent Crime Safety
How does global warming expedite the extinction of animal life on the planet?: Global Warming's Effe
What factors can increase my chance of getting an upgrade to first class?: Secrets Of Saving Money O
What is the "Department of Homeland Security"?: Aviation Security Basics
How To Treat Picky Dinner Guests
How can I save money when booking a hotel using an opaque site?: Hotel Deals, Tips, And Tricks
What is "smog" and how does it affect air quality?: Petroleum Pollution
What is an "emission standard"?: Petroleum Pollution
What should I do if I know someone who carries a weapon illegally?: Witnessing Crime
Why is petroleum pollution impossible to escape in most cities?: Petroleum Pollution
Do certain plastics contain petroleum products?: Petroleum Pollution
How can I use my Auto Club card to get a hotel discount?: Hotel Deals, Tips, And Tricks
What are "petroleum volatile organic compounds" (VOCs)?: Petroleum Pollution
What are some of the latest innovations in airport security?: Air Travel Security Restrictions And R
What are the health effects of smog on the human body?: Petroleum Pollution
What effect does "particulate matter" have on snow and ice?: Petroleum Pollution
What is "particulate matter" (PM)?: Petroleum Pollution
What is the "Air Quality Index" (AQI)?: Petroleum Pollution
How To Create A Buttonhole
How effective has the Air Marshal program been to deter terrorism on flights?: Air Travel Security R
What are the current restrictions for carry-on luggage, including liquids?: Air Travel Security Rest
What can I do if I become suspicious while in the airport or aboard a plane?: Air Travel Security Re
What is "Polyvinyl Chloride" (PVC) and why is it dangerous?: Petroleum Pollution
What is The Department of Homeland Security's "Travel Redress Inquiry Program"?: Air Travel Security
What is a "petroleum product"?: Petroleum Pollution