Archived > 2015 January > 03 Morning > 11

Videos archived from 03 January 2015 Morning

McDonald's Biggest Appeal? Meal Safety
David Kessler: Effective Dieting and Portion Control
Dawkins Compares Creationists to Holocaust Deniers
Forget Snakes! Beware of the Tropical Bullet Ant
Wade Davis on Inuit Ingenuity: Tale of the 'Sh*t Knife'
Chris Mooney: How to Make Science Sexier
Daniel Dennett on Pastors Teaching Intelligent Design
Dr. Len Saputo Speaks Out Against the 'Purple Pill'
Dr. Peter Wothers: Why Humans Need Water
Kepler Mission Close to Discovering Earth-like Planets?
Paul Ehrlich Criticizes the Dangerous US Electrical Grid
Richard Dawkins Explains Darwinian Selection of Universes
Be Here Now: A New Perspective for Motherhood
Budweiser vs. Microbrews: A Scientific Analysis
Alicia Silverstone Is Not 'Clueless' About Health
Andromeda Ahoy! Edwin Hubble and the Expanding Universe
Genetic Engineering Has Been Used For Thousands of Years
50 Inch Vertical Secrets To Jumping Higher Basketball Review
Lactose Intolerance and the Evolution of Human Digestion
The Wetsuit Wearing Penguin: Pierre Finds His Mojo
Matthew B. Crawford: Making the Case for Skilled Trade
Cal Academy 2.0: Using Social Media to Spur Night Life
Dr. Jill Tarter: What Happens After SETI Discovers ET?
Icd 9 Code For Lipoma
Niall Ferguson Applies Evolutionary Theory to Finance
Proof You Went Psychotic Last Night
Are Women More Receptive to Music than Men?
Captain America Shield Light
The California Academy of Sciences and Its Living Roof
Dr. Mary Young Explains the Swine Flu Virus
Communicating with Aliens: A Complicated Science
Dr. Bortz: Maintenance May Add 30 Years to Your Lifespan
The Marketing of GM Crops
David Shenk: Can Persistence Be Taught?
Esther Dyson on Astronaut Training in Russia
Why Doesn’t the FDA Take Action on Toxic Mercury Levels?
'Cancer Bitch' Hosts a Pre-Mastectomy Party
Jane Goodall: There Is Still Hope for the Environment
Sam Keen: Where Religion Went Wrong, and How to Fix It
Extremely Affordable Healthcare: $25 Incubator
Can Eastern Philosophy Improve Western Medicine?
Emotions and Evolution: What Would Genes Do?
Is Creative Talent Lying Dormant in All of Us?
Real Foods: A Bottom-Up Approach to Healthcare Reform
E.O Wilson: Save the Living Environment, Save the World
Is Poor Sleep a Factor in Alzheimer's and Dementia?
Why Don't Boys Play with Dolls?
♥ LEGO DUPLO Ice Cream (New LEGO DUPLO Game for Children)
The Secret Life of Ants
We're Not All Paying Attention to the Same World
Climate Change at the Northwest Passage in Photographs
The Secret Sounds of Beavers and What They're Telling Us
♥ Disney Princess The Princess and the Frog A Magical Holiday Feast (Storybook for Little Kids)
【村田春樹氏講演】日韓基本条約は史上最悪の不平等条約② 正論を聞く集い
Ben Sherwood: The 10-80-10 Rule of Disaster Reactions
Esther Dyson on Why She Paid $3M to Train for Space
Club Penguin Old Account 6 for Sale 2757+ Days Old
Journeying Through Space and Time in a Wormhole
Charles Taylor: Secularism and the French Headscarf Ban
Chris Mooney: Bridging the Gap Between Science & Politics
Charles Taylor Analyzes History of American Secularism
The Mozart Effect: Can Classical Music Make You Smarter?
Antonio Damasio: How Emotions Help Us Make Decisions
Haque Argues Stale Innovation Caused 'Zombieconomy'
As Temps Rise, Species Shrink and Genetic Diversity Wanes
How Alicia Silverstone Is Slowly Greening Hollywood
Atheists & Theists: Are We All Prey to Irrationality?
Ben Sherwood: The Science of Luck
Is Teenage Pregnancy Genetic?
Quantum Computers and Parallel Universes
Crossfire Europe Account Sell 2014 (M14EBRXmas,Knuckles,Mauser-Gold,GatlingGun-Halloween)
Megafaunal Extinction: Did Humans Overhunt the Mammoths?
Can Genetic Engineering Be Environmentally Friendly?
How Big Is Our Universe? And Other Cosmic Quandaries
Tim Leiweke Reflects on His Mother's Early Death
What's Wrong with the Big Bang Theory?
Helen Fisher: Why Do Fools Fall in Love?
The Difference Between Feeling and Emotion
Voaux 2015 VEFC de la catégorie U6/U7
Paul Ekman: Do You Have the Heroic Gene?
Can Control Affect How Long You Live?
Paul Ehrlich Argues Pro-Life Policies 'Kill Women'
Iron Man Hand Night Light
Superhero: Surviving a Knitting Needle Through the Heart
Financial Gamble: How AIG Fell for a 'Sure Thing'
Bfp4f Rare Account +3 weapons
Healthcare Reform: Emanuel Says High-Touch Not High-Tech
The Iraq War and Society's Obsession with Safety
Transforming LA Into the Event Capitol of the World
Prostate Cancer: Better to Overtreat or Undertreat?
♥ Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Mickey's Magical Maths World Episode 2 Daisy's Bedtime Countdown
موضي الشمراني - خاف الحسد - 2015 حفل فرح الاميرة
Was Darwin Wrong? Peacocks and Sexual Selection
Nikola Tesla and the Quest for Wireless Electricity
How Expectations Bias Your Wine Selection
Is Denial the Solution to Bereavement and Depression?
Nassim Taleb Criticizes Obama, Bernanke, and Summers
Down to a Science: The Right Way to Pour and Taste a Beer
Save the Ant, Save the Planet
Suecia: protestas para rechazar ataques contra comunidad musulmana