Videos archived from 03 January 2015 Morning
Seriously: Alcohol and Rattlesnakes Don't Mix#1 A Virus Walks Into a Bar
#2 An Infectious Disease Walks Into a Bar
#3 Two Bacteria Walk Into a Bar
#4 A Superconductor Walks Into a Bar
Dr. Happy: Free Yourself from the 'Tyranny of When'
Dan Ariely Asks Who Cheats More: Bankers or Politicians?
Is 2012 the End of Time? Modern-Day Mayans Say No
Alkaline Diet - Pros and Cons (Diet Fitness Guru)
Epigenetics: How Behavior Affects Genetics
Phallus Drewesii: Be Careful What Gets Named After You
Funny Science Jokes: ‘Higgs Bosons Walks into a Church’
The Religion of Science: Worshiping at the Altar of Truth
Elysia Chlorotica: A Sap-Sucking, Solar-Powered Sea Slug
Could a Neanderthal Woman Beat a Champion Arm Wrestler?
James Surowiecki: The Luck of Having 'A Good Face'
Mary Roach on Space Hygiene and the Official Nose of NASA
Michael Moss: USDA Food Safety Practices Half-Baked?
Toxicology: What Chemists Don't Know Might Hurt You
Conchy Bretos: Will Healthcare Reform Improve Elder Care?
Martin Rees Predicts Biotech Disaster by 2020
Planet X and 2012: NASA's Morrison Refutes the 'Evidence'
Mehrban Ali Maqsad-e-Hussain as Ep 02 (2014)
How Copyright and Patent Laws Stymie Scientific Progress
Pain Mandate to Blame for Uptick in US Opioid Overdoses?
The Making of Tarzan: Where Science and Art Collide
45% Wasted Money? An Account of Private Healthcare Costs
Brookhaven Lab's Latest Research on Quark-Gluon Plasma
Evolution of the Shrug: Darwin's Principle of Antithesis
'Deathcaps' for a Reason: Don't Eat This Mushroom
Dr. Jill Tarter: How SETI Looks and Listens for ET
In Search of ET: Should We Broadcast?
Mary Roach on the Art of Peeing in Outer Space
Atlanta in 2108: Merging DNA with Architecture
Ethan Watters: Is Mental Illness Contagious?
Can Video Games Predict the Next Financial Crisis?
Darwin's Stance on Christianity? A Damnable Doctrine
Ethan Watters: The Culturally Specific Nature of Trauma
Dr. Louann Brizendine Explains the 'Gay Brain'
How to Weed Out False Prophets and Find the Real McCoy
Moon Landing Hoax? Distinguishing Reason from Faith
Lord Martin Rees on Humanity's Unique Place in the Cosmos
The Ideal Happy to Sad Ratio? 3:1, Says Dr. Happy
Gladwell on Income Inequality: We're Off the Rails
Alcohol Fermentation: The Dawn of Biochemistry
Dan Ariely: Is the Prius Eco-Friendly, or Ego-Friendly?
Dunbar's Number: Why We Can't Have More Than 150 Friends
Plato vs. Fiction: Goldstein on Balancing Her Two Loves
Wildlife Photography: To Catch a Predator
Discovery: First Scientifically Confirmed Poisonous Bird
♥ Disney Princess The Little Mermaid Ariel Treasure of the Season (Disney Bedtime Story)
Dawkins: Did Religion Have an Evolutionary Value?
Deepak Chopra: Where Is Michael Jackson’s Soul?
Richard Dawkins: Has Technology Hindered Human Evolution?
Wired for Bad Behavior? Don't Blame It on Your Genes
Author Richard Holmes on the 'Titanic Principle'
Payal Bajay Chan Chan (4/7) | Punjabi Stage Drama
The Hamburger That Paralyzed Stephanie Smith
An Ecological Approach to Eradicating Fundamentalism
Biological Invasion: Attack of the Killer Weeds!
Deepak Chopra's Spiritual Journey with LSD
Does Moore's Law Apply to Solar Energy?
Jonah Lehrer: The Neurological Roots of Gambling
Positive Selection: Is the Human Genome Evolving?
Trucks and Trig: Why Boys Excel in Math and Engineering
Asperger Syndrome: Dealing with the Diagnosis
Cracking the Code: Disease Research and the Human Genome
Illness or Identity? Differing Views on Being Transgender
What Would a Martian Anthropologist Think of Us?
Is Monogamy Linked to Brain Size?
Sympathy Pregnancy? Dr. Brizendine on the 'Daddy Brain'
John Gray: Everyone Over 40 Has Cancer
Simon Critchley Defends the Right to Suicide
'A Virus Walks Into a Bar…' and Other Science Jokes
A.J. Jacobs on the Dangers of 'Radical Honesty'
Adam Gopnik: Was Darwin Racist?
Rachel Armstrong: Could DNA-less Protocells Save Venice?
Seeing Is Believing: How the Brain Interprets Vision
Chip Off the Old Block? Charles Darwin's Grandpa, Erasmus
Dawkins Answers Why He Refuses to Debate Creationists
Green Chemistry: The Foundation of a Sustainable Future
NASA's David Morrison Answers 2012 Conspiracy Theorists
Taleb: Look at Mother Nature for Financial Solutions
A.J. Jacobs: What I Learned from Reading the Encyclopedia
Can 'Mindful' Meditation Help with Pregnancy?
The Secret to Investing? Outwit Your Brain
Dr. Walter Bortz Slams 'Corrupt' US Healthcare System
Scapegoating: Prehistoric Conflict Resolution 101
Studying the Deep Rhythms of Climate Change
The Big Picture of Climate Change: Think Prehistoric
Dr. Brizendine: Nature vs. Nurture Is Dead
Endangered Turtle Brings Together Ecologists and Locals
Personalized Medicine: The Future of Genomic Sequencing
Does Saturn's Moon Resemble Ancient Earth?
How Early Bonding Years Affect Brain Development
The Human-Chimp Split: A Closer Look at the Fossil Record
Dr. Krause Discovers a Singing Cottonwood Tree
The Hubble Heritage: A Legacy of Images from Deep Space
Dacher Keltner: The Evolution of Emotions
How Can I Get Into an Astronaut Training Program?