Videos archived from 02 January 2015 Morning
Ready For the Social Singularity? Big Data & Big NoiseSocial Data Breakthrough: VMAs & Raising Tweet Volume
A Highly Personalized, Heavily Tracked Future
Miki Setlur, Product Designer, Evernote speaks at Startup Product Summit SF1
How Will High Speed Rail Affect Urban Development in CA?
The Best Branding Campaigns Online
How to Start Building Apps for Google Glass
3D Robotics: How Drones Will Revolutionize Farming
Bringing Users into the Tent: Extending Hadoop 2.0
Gamify E-Commerce: How HSN Targets Girl Gamers
Joe Stump, CEO, speaks at Startup Product Summit SF1
GE: World's First Six Second Science Fair on Vine
Big Data or Big Garbage? Hadoop Saves Corporate Data
Enterprise 2.0: Business Possibilities for Hadoop 2.0
Hacking Nature: Making Interactive Plants
Personal Data Helped US Athletes Win Olympic Medals
#3: Dick Costolo's Favorite Sound
Using Making Technology to Meet World Challenges
Buzzfeed: Animals Is the New Leisure Section
Jesse Schell: Will Rewards Backfire on Gamification?
Mark Zuckerberg: 'I'm Pro-Knowledge Economy'
Raspberry Pi Launches Future Programmers Into DIY Tech
#4: Dick Costolo's Least Favorite Sound
DIY Spaceflight: Making Your Own Spacecraft
Enough to Be Dangerous: Stop Worrying and Start Making
Microsoft Commits to Close the Gap for Adopting Hadoop
#5: What Career Dick Costolo Would Like to Attempt
LumiGeek Lights Up LED Technology Makes Art Interactive
MakerBot Digitizer Is a 3D Scanner to Work with MakerBot
Google Class: Will Technology Make Teachers Obsolete?
Hadoop 2.0: How Hortonworks is Hardening Its Open Core
Preparing to Launch: Why Instagram Needed Amazon Cloud
#2: Dick Costolo's Least Favorite Word
Building a Digital Camera for Education
#6. What Career Dick Costolo Would Not Like to Attempt
Get Primitive: SketchUp Turns 2D Dreams Into 3D Reality
MAKEwithMOTO: The Power of an Open Ecosystem
Play Maker: Building Video Games (Without the Video)
Guillaume Decugis, Co-Founder and CEO, speaks at Startup Product Summit SF1
The Commitment Curve: Why Spin Isn't a Match For Memes
Brave New School: Will MOOCs Bring Down the Ivy League?
Games vs. Tests: Are Schools Killing Creativity?
Gossip Is Data: Bitly Studies Sharing Behavior
Zichermann: Is Autism the Next Stage of Human Evolution?
Better Place: Is Battery Life Killing the Electric Car?
Costolo: Twitter's Most Surreal 'Captain Kirk' Moment
MOOC Dropout: Kevin Werbach Says Coursera For The Win
#1: Dick Costolo's Favorite Word
Epic Fail: Will Wright Shows How Gamers Measure Success
'Datafied' Nature: How Mobile Apps Track Climate Change
Does Adam Savage View Himself as an Artist or Scientist?
Power to the Makers: How DIY Ethics Will Get Us to Mars
Continuous Computing at Yahoo! Speeds Up Data Digestion
Good Design Keeps Public Spaces From Falling Off the Map
Solar Philanthropy: End Energy Poverty with Solar Power
We Can Do It! Bringing Women Back to Manufacturing
Amit Ronen: The Growth Potential of US Renewable Energy
Education Levels Up: Video Games Make Learning Addictive
Mythbusters' Adam Savage: 'Work Hard, Work Smart'
Adam Savage: Young Makers, Embrace Numbingly Boring Work
Content with Context Is the New Black
John Maeda: How Simplicity Battles High-Tech Distraction
How Green Spaces Improve Quality of Life Within Cities
Disrupting the Disruptor: How Hadoop Plans to Spin YARN
Daniel Kish: Lifting Restrictions on US Energy Policy
Rob Gramlich: Wind Power - The Advancing Energy Solution
Sean McGarvey: Labor is Building the US Energy Future
Is Privacy Overrated? Cyberattack in the New Digital Age
Motivate the Brain: Why Dopamine Doesn't Work
Savage: Lovesick Octopuses & Vomiting with Blue Angels
Warby Parker: Why Glasses Cost More Than iPhones
Are High Schoolers Bored with Game-Based Learning?
Designing a Family-Friendly Extreme Expedition Vehicle
Pete Cashmore: Why Mashable Didn't Get Picked Up By CNN
Smart Lighting: A Future Illuminated by LED Technology
An Elephant of Open Source: Will Hadoop Cross the Chasm?
Tablet & Tutor: Coursera Brings Mastery Learning Online
Anti-Science and Politics: Evolution Not Up For Debate
3D Printed Prosthetics Blur Medical Devices & Sculpture
Linda Church Ciocci: Hydropower - Largest US Renewable
StethoCloud: Diagnosing Believers in Medical Technology
There Can Still Be Magic In an Augmented Reality
High Touch and High Tech: Coding a Future for Tech Girls
Prototype Hype: Is 3D-Printing Manufacturing the Future?
What's Hot and Not in Technology
A Viral Vote: How 'Gangnam Style' Helps Change the World
IPO Forecast: How Hurricane Sandy Stalled Solar Power
Marty Durbin: Natural Gas - America's Foundation Fuel
Robert Ivester: Revitalizing Advanced US Manufacturing
The Calculators: Discovering the Women Computers of WWII
CSI Wildlife: DNA Barcoding Saving Endangered Species
Jeff Jarvis: Putting a Value on Google Users
Recreating San Francisco Before the 1906 Earthquake
Vision for Minority Report Was a Big Interface Prototype
Conspiracy for Good: How Tim Kring Built a Phenomenon
House Calls: Healthcare Goes Mobile with Telehealth
Adtech: Evolving a Business Beyond Apps
LEDs, MakerBot, & Zip Ties: Tech Saves The Bay Lights
Silicon Valley Meets Detroit: Clean Tech at Tesla Motors
Cybersecurity: We Must Focus on Threat, Not Surveillance