Archived > 2014 December > 31 Morning > 49

Videos archived from 31 December 2014 Morning

Best Move for US in Mideast? Solve Arab-Israeli Conflict
Steve Israel: Democrats to Target Ryan Over Budget Plan
McLaughlin Predicts Rise of an 'Angry Silent Majority'
Brian Moynihan Defends Bank of America's Debit Card Fee
McConnell: 'Most' Senate GOP Support Obama on Afghanistan
Tea Party: Expect More Primary Challenges in 2012
Cute Baby Is Playing With Ball And He Is Making Beautiful Noise
Boy's Bright Lime Sneaker Canvas Elastic at tongue sides Imported Color: Lime Size: 10 Review
Election 2012: News Coverage in a Polarized America
Rubin Says Policy Change Critical for Economic Recovery
[Final Fantasy XIII-2] Serah la dresseuse de pokémon ? Ou pas. (29/12/2014 22:40)
ilahi teri chaukhat by junaid jamshed
Boehner to Obama: It's Time to Seek Common Ground
Fareed Zakaria: Are the Chinese Better Capitalists?
Undercover Espionage: Do the Ends Justify the Means?
McConnell: GOP Loyalty 'Muted' Dissent During Bush Admin
Prince Lionheart Wee Pod Toilet Trainer Gumball Green Review
RNC Chair Priebus: Birther Issue Doesn't Concern Me
Couric Remembers the Infamous Palin 'Gotcha' Question
Dunya news- Another convict in Musharraf attack case hanged
Ron Paul: Rick Perry's Comments on Fed 'Good Politics'
Voices of the Disabled and Disenfranchised
David Ignatius: Why Are Americans Queasy About the CIA?
CBO Director: Past Budgets Can't Guide Country's Future
Gillespie: Obama Economic Policy Not Working for Voters
The Jefferson Institute Champions Creative Gov't Policy
Amb. Rice: No Change for Palestinians In Wake of UN Move
George Washington: The Father of American Intelligence?
Labor Sec'y Hilda Solis Makes a Statement with Her SUV
Symptoms Of Herpes For Women
CBO Head Elmendorf: How Likely Is US Debt Default?
Fatima Bhutto: America's Moral Hypocrisy
Brennan: What We've Learned from Bin Laden's Hideout
Is Capital Punishment Color Blind?
Donohue: The US Will Survive as a Major Economy
CBO Director: Gov't Defaults a 'Dangerous Gamble'
Eric Schmidt: Lack of Growth Is a 'National Crisis'
RNC Chair Priebus: 'Hope Isn't Hiring' In America
Nancy Pelosi: 'Workers Are People, Too'
RNC Chair Priebus Says GOP to Solidify Field by Summer
Bin Laden in Pakistan: Complacency or Negligence?
Stephen Ulph: A Comparative Approach to Idealogical War
Donohue: We Appreciate Obama Maturing as President
Innovation Capital Losing Manufacturing to Other States
Kremer: Tea Party Express Not Targeting Boehner, Cantor
Chris Matthews: The Difference Between Dems and Repubs
Obama's 'Tortured' Rhetoric on Islamic Extremism
Has the US Push for Afghan Peace Fueled Pakistani Nukes?
Race for House Will Be 'Razor Close,' Says Israel
Why Did US Condemn Goldstone Report? Fear of Precedent
Generation Narcissist: Brooks on the Rise of Self-Esteem
John Du: Practicing Law in an Emerging Market
Biden Blasts Banks over Occupy Wall Street Protests
Duncan: School Choice and the Obama Administration
Donohue: Gov't Shutdown Won't Upset Economic Growth Much
What Are the Taliban's Motives in Afghanistan?
McCarthy: House GOP Strategy for Winning Budget Impasse
How America Can Support Pakistani Women Against Al-Qaeda
Weiseltier Slams Israeli Diplomacy Under Netanyahu
David Sorensen on the Pitfalls for Lawyers on Twitter
Entitlement Cuts Pose an Unrealistic Hardship to Elderly
Remnick: Obama No Radical, Will Be Re-Elected in 2012
Urban Mapping: The Power of Case-by-Case Crime Data
Increasing Annulments Challenge ICSID Credibility
Pillar: Weighing Strikes on North Korea, Iran, Pakistan
Hamre: Washington a 'Giant, Self-Licking Ice Cream Cone'
인­터­넷­­­바­카­라れ``「R­P­G­.­C­O­X­.­K­R 」``ふ ­바­카­라­­­게­임で 바­카­라­­­게­임
McConnell: Citizens United 'Leveled Field' for Campaigns
Greenwald: OWS Media Coverage Biased by Elite Media
Bruce Bean: Impossible to Comply with 2010 UK Bribery Act
David Remnick: 'Gingrich Is Cooked'
Justine Thody: Email Makes Workers Less Efficient
Mayor Booker's Passionate Plea for Education Reform
Catching Osama: What Should US Do If Bin Laden Is Caught?
Kirk: No Reason to Keep US Beef out of Asian Markets
Pablo Ferraro-Mila: Defining Due Diligence
John Kerry Justifies US Military Force in Libya
Bruce Thornton Advocates Drone Attacks, Not Appeasement
Noah Feldman: Is Mandatory Healthcare Unconstitutional?
WWJD? The Religious Argument for Community Involvement
Gingrich and the Press: What Are Fair Personal Questions?
McConnell's GOP Slogan for 2012: Obama 'Made It Worse'
US Trade Rep. Ron Kirk: Next Commerce Secretary?
Celebrity Activists Bring Visibility to Congo, Not Relief
Peter Schwartz Says Brazil Riding 'Sexy' Wave of Green
Tariq Ali: A Critique of Obama's Presidency
War on Terror: The Ugly Side of American Exceptionalism
Housewife Superspy: Stella Rimington on Leaving Anonymity
No Clear Standards for Commissions of Inquiry
The Masters of Innovation: From Tom Edison to Steve Jobs
Gingrich Backs Lifting Campaign Finance Restrictions
Kremer: Government Shutdown Would Not Be a Good Thing
Diane Ravitch: The Problem with Standardized Tests
Harold Koh on Libya: Is Military Action Justified?
United Nations Acts to Prevent Genocide in Libya
Are Women Iran's Secret Weapon?
Drone Attacks: Law Enforcement or Armed Conflict?
Steve Roberts: Mixed Marriage Ceremonies Unite Faiths
GOP Whip McCarthy: Long 2012 Primary Good for Republicans