Archived > 2014 December > 31 Morning > 20

Videos archived from 31 December 2014 Morning

Greed or Need? 'Pay Czar' Caps Wall Street Exec Salaries
US-Israeli Attack on Iranian Nuclear Program Disastrous
2012 Election: Impact of Abortion, Pro Choice & Pro Life
Mental Illness Causes More Violent Gun Crime
Obama & Lame Duck: Building a Bridge to Next Congress
Two Billion Dollar Political Food Fight Turns Voters Off
Barney Frank & Bank Bailout: Huge Success, but Unpopular
Jose Vargas to Lou Dobbs: Think Before Saying 'Illegals'
Mayor Rybak: Health Begins with Limiting Teen Pregnancy
Will Raising Taxes on the Rich Really Cut the Deficit?
Disney Music & Lights Walker Home Sweet Home Pooh-Bonus Growth Chart Review
From a Number to a Name: The Shooting of Trayvon Martin
How Racism Triggered the Second Amendment & Gun Control
Amy Klobuchar: Raising Taxes on Rich Is Smart Strategy
Nancy Pelosi: Stop Super PACS, Overturn Citizens United
Enforcing Red Lines: The Case for Intervention in Syria
Robert Reich: Tax the Rich, Fix the Debt, It Makes Cents
How to View the Boston Massacre from Today's Perspective
The Issue of Race and a History of Drug Enforcement
Zachaira & Brinkley: Obama Really Has Israel's Back
George Lakoff: How to Win Over Swing Voters
A Shared Narrative Between LGBT and Christian Community
How Can Congress Possibly Solve the Fiscal Cliff Crisis?
Pelosi: Amend the Constitution to Overturn Super PACs
Ezekiel Emanuel: Three Steps to Improve End-of-Life Care
Julian Castro: Latinos Are Achieving American Dream
Pres. Carter: U.S. Should Negotiate with Iran & N. Korea
Can Iran Be a Potential U.S. Ally in the Middle East?
Why the Republican Party Can't Build a Lasting Majority
Larry Summers: Fix Fiscal Cliff or Cause Major Recession
Obama Reelected: What We Learned About Political Parties
Obama Won't Compromise on Raising Taxes on Rich
Hedrick Smith: Obama & Romney Happy to Avoid Real Issues
Ian Bremmer: The End of Global Leadership
Obama Reelection Will Break Partisan Fever in Washington
SF Sheriff Mikarimi Responds to Domestic Violence Groups
Election 2012: Why Republicans Failed to Win White House
Obama Doctrine: Is the Syrian Civil War Obama's Rwanda?
Simpson-Bowles and the Legacy of Deficit Tax Policy
Why the Text of the Constitution Still Persists Today
Why Obama Lost 2012 Debate: Doesn't Like Confrontation
How Americans Feel About Spying and Big Data Collection
Kofi Annan: Africa's 'Big Men' Losing to Rule of Law
What Obama Must Do to Improve Opportunity & Employment
Does Peacekeeping Work? Steven Pinker Checks the Stats
Women's Right to Abortion vs. Access to All Healthcare
Beinart vs. Dershowitz: Attack Iran Nuclear Sites Now?
Obama's Reelection: We're Better Off Than 4 Years Ago
U.S. Policy Toward Syria and Iran: Engage or Sit it Out?
23h - Chủ để "Bạo hành gia đình"
A Heated Debate: Should America Restrict Gun Rights?
Religious Solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Are Arms Treaties Strong Enough to Prevent Disaster?
Facing Facts: The Myths and Truths About Joseph Kennedy
urban Dance Stylo - Hip Hop (Auditori Torrent - Annunakis)
Michael O'Hanlon: Where U.S. Could Cut Defense Spending
Sen. Michael Bennet: Where Will US Be in Four Years?
مسلسل الامام البخارى الحلقة 20
Howard Dean: Obama Will Approve Oil Sand Development
Korea Today Ep734
Marco Rubio: Immigration About People, Not Rhetoric
Fit Yummy Mummy NY Transformation Challenge - Day 14
Grover Norquist: How the GOP Can Govern Social Issues
Do Gun Safety Measures Hinder Our Individual Freedoms?
Pelosi: '4 Years Ago We Pulled US Out of Depths of Hell'
Bodyweight Burn System Review
Castro: Hispanics Will Make Texas Purple State in 2020
President Carter Fact-Checks the Movie 'Argo'
Best Treatment For Herpes
Tìm Lại Yêu Thương - A Tale of Two Sisters Ep112
Attention : Le chaton le plus mignon du monde est de retour !
Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 8 - Gathering Forces - Full Episode LINKS
Milan vs Real Madrid 4-2 2014 All Goals ! Real Madrid 2-4 Milan HD Friendly.
Dans Elini tutamayınca kaza
5 Figure Day Is it SCAM - 5 Figure Day Review
DOMA and Proposition 8
Günde 12 milyon ekmeğin israf olmasına tedbir alınmalı.
Russie : un opposant de Vladimir Poutine condamné à la prison avec sursis
Herpes On Face
Milli Piyango Yılbaşı sonuçları için özel çekiliş Milli Piyango Yılbaşı özel çekilişi
Tibbe clickertraining
Przesłuchanie w sprawie Geoinżynierii (Chemtrails)
Main 2
New Panjabi Song Lovely Song
Die Harald Schmidt Show - 2011.12.21
The Real USA - Mexican immigrant labor in Florida
Plessis-Robinson Volley-Ball / Asnières 2014-12-30
Visual Impact Muscle Building
Real Madrid vs AC Milan 2-4 [HQ] - All Goals and Full Highlights - Friendly Match 2014.
Authentic Numerology - Most Authentic Numerology Readings
Christopher Lee - The Little Drummer Boy
Maduro: Informe del BCV muestra el daño económico que dejó el proceso de las guarimbas