Videos archived from 26 August 2014 Noon
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Valérie Pécresse : "Le remaniement c'est une dernière cartouche avant une dissolution inévitable"
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Gang member erasing tattoo using sandpaper
'Breaking Bad' & More Shocking Wins & Snubs at 2014 Emmys
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The Alleged Death Threats By Tamil Nadu Whistleblower Receives Silence From Govt
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'Breaking Bad' Sweeps Their Final Emmys
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Iraq's military evacuate sick, children from besieged Shi'ite town of Amerli
"Il faut pouvoir reprendre sa liberté pour agir", affirme Aurélie Filippetti
Best Dressed At The 2014 Emmys
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Düğün Salonunda Kavgaya Polis Müdahalesi
Mom, kids pulled from car at gunpoint
Bryan Cranston Kisses Julia Louis-Dreyfus
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Mad About Dance Film Promotion 26th August 2014
Miley Cyrus Called Ed Sheeran A$$HOLE!
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The Worst Dressed of the 2014 Emmys
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Bipasha's Family Accepted Harman Baweja 26th August 2014
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India will give fitting reply to Pak, Says Amit Shah in Jammu and Kashmir - Tv9 Gujarati
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Robin Williams a fait un don à la charité avant sa mort
Dunya News- Islamabad’s Red Zone littered with trash due to poor management, causing rise in disease
Yangına çırılçıplak yakalanınca...
Ejército de Israel bombardea el sur del Líbano
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Miley Cyrus schickt einen obdachlosen Freund auf die Bühne der VMAs um ihren Preis entgegen zu nehme
L'ami sans-abri de Miley Cyrus accepte sa récompense aux VMAs
Aaron Paul Wins Supporting Actor & Gushes Over Wife at 2014 EMMYs
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PMLN munafiqat exposed in 30 sec
Bryan Cranston Wins Fourth Emmy for Outstanding Actor Drama Emmys 2014
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2014 Primetime Emmy Winners Recap: Breaking Bad Wins Big!
أراكان اليوم أخبار باللغة الروهنجية-ANA Arakan Today - Daily Rohingya news 25_08_2014 - Monday
De nouveaux détails sur la fusillade à la soirée de Chris Brown ont fait surface
Jim Parsons Wins Big Again at Emmys 2014
11 Highlights from Primetime Emmys 2014_ Breaking Bad, American Horror Story
Julia Louis-Dreyfus Makes Out with Bryan Cranston Acceptance Speech Emmys 2014
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Nikki Bella And Brie Bella Segment
Jean-Marc Germain : "Oui, l'abstinence médiatique de Martine Aubry est finie"
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Alba Ventura : "Montebourg, César du meilleur ex-acteur du gouvernement"
Bayraktar'dan Emine Erdoğan İtirafı: Keşke Bulaşmasaydım
Talks suspended as PTI seeks removal of Prime Minister for 30 days :Governor Punjab
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Die Kardashian Schwestern werden dafür kritisiert, dass sie in einer Schweigeminute getextet haben
Serena Williams bu kez camı çerçeveyi indirdi
Mahsun Korkmaz’ın heykelini kabul etsek Öcalan’ın heykelini de dikeceklerdi.
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La civilisation contre la barbarie
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