Archived > 2014 August > 12 Evening > 148

Videos archived from 12 August 2014 Evening

Large number of visitors at Agra Fort, Uttar Pradesh
Largest exhibition for the defence companies of world
Ayutthaya temples aerial footage, Thailand Part 2
Kavach Mod - II, Chaff Rocket Launcher : Defexpo 2014
Passengers coming out from ferry to witness Gangasagar mela
Artisan creates clay legs of human idol
Driving through Abhaneri
Epitome of Mughal Architecture - Agra Fort
Famous Sufi band from Portugal: MU performing in Delhi
Fishing activity at Bakkhali beach
Jahangiri Mahal - Agra Fort, Uttar Pradesh
Tomb of Akbar the Great
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A typical Manipuri wedding
Jugglers from Myanmar mesmerize audience - Sangai festival
Adele - Set Fire to the Rain Lyrics
Bullock cart race, biggest crowd puller : Kila Raipur Sports Festival
Treat for Kathak lovers: Deepak Maharaj performing in Delhi
Electricity tower seen from Muri Ganga river
Red crabs spawning on the Henry Island
Inflatable raft boat on the beach of Bakkhali
Journey from Dehradun to Roorkee
Fishermen pulling the net from sea shore
Tiny red eyed fiddler crab walking out from the burrow
Channs species or ngamu on sale at Howrah fish market
Gatka the Punjabi martial arts showcased at Kila Raipur Sports Festival
2014全国高校総体 女子4X400mR準決勝~決勝
Fast moving claws of red female fiddler crab
Warm up session for bull race : Kila Raipur Sports Festival
Driving from Mt. Pellier and Hollymount in Landour past Rokeby down to Mussoorie
Unique skill in cutting fish India-style
Crab crawling along Bakkhali beach, West Bengal
Dyanolog - PC based Industrial Automation at Defexpo 2014
Fisherman spreads the fishing net on the ground
Taj Mahal viewed from the Agra Fort - Uttar Pradesh
The spirit of Punjab : bullock cart race in progress
Fishermen casting their nets in the sea
Rope tricks and juggling with sepak takraw ball
Taj Mahal's view from the river Yamuna
Bride relative going to groom house to decorate room
Dhanush Missile on display at Bharat Dynamics Limited booth
Fishermen rowing boat with fishing net
On the way to Muzaffarnagar
Traditional way of fishing in Loktak Lake
Wholesalers weighing their catch at Howrah market
Blackbucks roaming inside the Sikandra Fort premises
Gourangalila showcased at sangai festival
Traditional folk singers from Bengal and Bihar
'Sadda Haq'- Tibetan singer Tashi
Chinlone traditional sport of Myanmar showcased at Sangai Festival
Massive metal band - We the Gaints performing at Hornbill Rock Contest
Red fiddler crabs on Henry Island, West Bengal
Tourists outside the Agra Fort
Female fiddler crab scraping the mud with its small claw
Red crabs dot the shores of Henry Island
Shiri Harigi Sayaon Tara dance in Sangai Festival
Visitors enjoying the cool sand of Bakkhali Beach, West Bengal
รากบุญตอนจบ 9/9 12 สิงหาคม 2557 RakBoon Ep.13
Unique point of view of Bakkhali beach
_The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald_ - Gordon Lightfoot (HD w_ Lyrics)
Dance and soothing music: MU band from Portugal
Fish ready for sell out
People travelling by steam boat on Loktak Lake
The spectacular Loktak Lake.
Artisan making idol during the time of Sarawati puja
Black bucks fighting, horns locked together
Making of idol Saraswati in the process
TV Globo 2014-08-12 Encontro com Fatima com Cesar Menotti e Fabiano (3)
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Fiddler crab feeding on the muddy area of Henry Island
Manipuri groom bow down to Sankritana party
One large-clawed red fiddler crab feeding on the ground
Pure music of tradition by Win-bang group from Iran
Lady smartly carrying plastic chairs at Bakkhali beach
Nritya Sangam by Tapasya
Blackbuck grazing inside Sikandra Fort
The majestic Loktak Lake in Manipur
Ancient play Gourangalila "Samudra Poton" at Sangai festival
India vs USA at 7th Manipur Polo International 2013
Kathak dancer Deepak Maharaj performing at Kamani auditorium
Woman fishing at night in Loktak Lake
Artist at work at Kumortuli, Kolkata
Ready for Bor jatra at Manipuri wedding
Red fiddler crab crawling on the marsh area of Henry Island
Fish market, Howrah
Manipuri bride enter mandap
Manipuri groom on the way to bride home
Loktak lake the Mirror of Manipur
Manipuri bride received by groom's mother
Men pulling nets, with fish out of the sea on Bakkhali beach
Samudra Poton play at Sangai festival
Х из шарика
Adaş - Fragman
Hindu pilgrims travel on vessels to cross Channel Creek on their way to Gangasagar
Idol maker of Kumortuli shaping the feet of the sculpture
Passing through the streets of Meerut, UP
People walking on the sandy mudflats of Bakkhali beach
Enjoying warmness of water at Bakkhali beach
Fresh singhi fish at Howrah fish market
Manipuri bride and bridegroom holding Kujapot