Archived > 2014 February > 09 Noon > 9

Videos archived from 09 February 2014 Noon

000000024 Đừng đề giàu mới bố thí; HT Tịnh Không bắt đầu bố thí từ 1 đồng từ lời khuyên của Chương G
Keiser Report: Fraud De facto Business Model (E560)
L'Aja apre indagine su crimini in Repubblica Centrafricana
Waseem Akram Ko Jurmana Hogaya
Soçi'de güvenlik kaygısı ön planda
UK slammed for offering Syrian refugees charity, not asylum
Centrafrique : "chacun devra répondre de ses actes" dixit la présidente
Vanity Art: UK MPs splash £250k of public cash on portraits
'For peaceful solution in Syria we need Iran at Gevena-2'
Exposed wire cut Brick Brick Price in Chennai-tamilnadu
Russia hopes Winter Olympics will put Sochi firmly on the map.
000000025 HT Tịnh Không giúp đỡ xây bệnh viện 2 triệu đô
the best shot
Too Little Too Late? Hollande U-turns as France pays heavy price for sky-high taxes
Sn-Oops! 'NSA spying fails to prevent terrorist attacks'
'Monsanto Mafia': US court backs GMO giant on seed patents against farmers
CrossTalk: Facebook = Spybook?
Bonsall Garage Door Repair In CA
Highlights: Wozniak (CAN) v Dolonc (SRB) & Bouchard (CAN) v Jaksic (SRB)
Maison F3 à vendre, Tarascon Sur Ariege (09), 59900€
2014年2月9日 新報道2001「都心積雪27cm 大雪猛威...」
Whole nations drain themselves - time to seize globe on the cheap!
000000026 Khi làm việc pháp thí thì có long thần hộ pháp gia hộ cho mình
Aafia Siddiqi1_mpeg4
Subatomic Revolution (from my album available on itunes)
حمدين صباحي يعلن ترشحه لآنتخابات رئاسة الجمهورية
نيكول سابا تشعل مهرجان موسى كوست
'Beatings & Burning': Dossier accusing UK of Iraq war crimes goes to ICC
Fashion vs Politics: BBC chat to be more Dolce&Gabbana than Barack Obama?
Video: Kerry gives Lavrov Idaho potatoes before talks in Paris
Bank & Barricades Bashed: Spaniards rally against costly boulevard plan
Up For Shale: Cameron 'bribes' councils to allow fracking
Avant-premières au cinéma en janvier 2014, à ugc de v.a.
Joel Osteen teaches Christians clean_unclean foods! No pork!
Madjer- final of champion's league 1987, what dares he do !!
Badra Bahaar Video HD Song Kangana Ranaut Queen Video Song
Iran Deal Ordeal: 'Israel pressures US to back new sanctions'
diet plans
Fashion Fakes: Cheap Chinese clothes force Italian brands out
PASS Construction Asbestos Removal New Jersey
'Kurds largest nation in the world without state'
Turkish bizarre: MPs throw tablets, punch colleagues in heated brawl
'Polar Vortex' Hysteria: News frozen out by US media weather frenzy
Pakistan Idol Full Episode 19 Part 2 February 7
Ex-Israeli PM Ariel Sharon dies at 85
NASA video: Monster sunspot erupts with X-class flare towards Earth
000000027 Giữ giới sát sanh tinh nghiêm thì không chết yếu, không gặp tai nạn chết lửa, nước, an toà
UK schools fingerprinted over 800k kids, third without parents' consent
Afrika'da Müslümanların linç edilmesi iddialarına soruşturma
'Blaming Assad a red herring, West still intends to destabilize Syria'
Al-Qaeda armies seize entire Iraqi cities in chaos left behind by war
Best Fajitas Austin Texas
main dondne ko zamane main jab wafa nikla
Angry Birds vs Angry Italians: Poo from above pesters Rome
Cicada 3301: Headhunting for CIA/MI6/Al-Shabaab or alternate reality game?
AbbTakk Headlines - 1200 PM - 9 February 2014
'Autonomous 'killer robots' could replace drones soon' - Nobel Peace Prize winner Jody Williams
Black Celebrities on George Zimmerman Fight
Kim Dotcom: Mega Net Encryption Will Change World
Cuba Hoy 2014-Discours introductif
'US Senators pave way to Iran war by forging new sanctions'
Straining Ties: Incident puts Afghan & US relations on thin ice
Lets Play Mother 3 - Chapter 1 - part 5
Sochi Safety: Unprecedented security in place around winter Olympic host city
New Nationalism: Far-right voices get louder in Japan
ইংলিশ প্রিমিয়ার লিগে শীর্ষে চেলসি
Chalti Bandooq K Hum Dahanay Pe Hain_mpeg4
Keiser Report: Shrinkflation (E549)
The Truthseeker: 'Unequivocal' cell phones cause cancer (E32)
Video: Conjoined whale twins found in Mexico - first documented case
Victorian Laws: UK to ban public from US air bases in Britain
How to Choose the Right Synthetic Grass - Tips from Deshe Kavua
Radical Rise: Captives of Syrian Al Qaeda linked group freed
وفاة 15 معتمرا مصريا وإصابة 49 في حريق بفندق بالمدينة المنورة
MQM Chief Altaf Hussain will address in a Press Confrence today
Weed State! Only thing left for Americans is Dope
Venture Capital: Eurozone 2014 - Deja Vu All Over Again? (E23)
'Don't Frack With My Future!' Hundreds of water-contamination complaints filed in US
000000028 Giữ giới ăn trộm cắp; ăn mặc ở bệnh đều là hưởng phước
CrossTalk: Al-Qaeda World
Dirty Dozen: Gitmo 'celebrates' 12 yrs of torture & detention
German Inefficiency: Soaring construction costs draw taxpayer anger
People seek alternatives in growing disapproval of EU & euro
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CrossTalk: Who was Sharon?
'Kill-Zone': US-armed military assault in Fallujah to unleash more blood
Great Fire Sale: EU auctions 'family silver' as debt mounts
War Wariness: Brits discredit UK army as weary of overseas aggression
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Fallujah Fight: US rushing to send drones & missiles to Iraq
Dreams Dashed: 'Bully banks' snatch up small businesses across Britain