Archived > 2012 December > 05 Noon > 43

Videos archived from 05 December 2012 Noon

Sans Titre
The Religion of Science: Worshiping at the Altar of Truth
1964'ün doyumsuz İstanbul'u
45% Wasted Money? An Account of Private Healthcare Costs
Dr. Louann Brizendine Explains the 'Gay Brain'
Richard Dawkins: Has Technology Hindered Human Evolution?
Atlanta in 2108: Merging DNA with Architecture
Chip Off the Old Block? Charles Darwin's Grandpa, Erasmus
In Search of ET: Should We Broadcast?
Funny Science Jokes: ‘Higgs Bosons Walks into a Church’
Wildlife Photography: To Catch a Predator
Sympathy Pregnancy? Dr. Brizendine on the 'Daddy Brain'
Green Chemistry: The Foundation of a Sustainable Future
How to Weed Out False Prophets and Find the Real McCoy
What Would a Martian Anthropologist Think of Us?
Deepak Chopra: Where Is Michael Jackson’s Soul?
Planet X and 2012: NASA's Morrison Refutes the 'Evidence'
Dawkins: Did Religion Have an Evolutionary Value?
Discovery: First Scientifically Confirmed Poisonous Bird
An Ecological Approach to Eradicating Fundamentalism
Dr. Jill Tarter: How SETI Looks and Listens for ET
Epigenetics: How Behavior Affects Genetics
Ethan Watters: Is Mental Illness Contagious?
Atheists & Theists: Are We All Prey to Irrationality?
Dr. Brizendine: Nature vs. Nurture Is Dead
Can Video Games Predict the Next Financial Crisis?
Jonah Lehrer: The Neurological Roots of Gambling
Deepak Chopra's Spiritual Journey with LSD
Does Saturn's Moon Resemble Ancient Earth?
NASA's David Morrison Answers 2012 Conspiracy Theorists
Ethan Watters: The Culturally Specific Nature of Trauma
Scapegoating: Prehistoric Conflict Resolution 101
Philippe Trépagny - Le Photographe et l'élephant
Does Moore's Law Apply to Solar Energy?
Dr. Peter Wothers: Why Humans Need Water
Positive Selection: Is the Human Genome Evolving?
Rachel Armstrong: Could DNA-less Protocells Save Venice?
Simon Critchley Defends the Right to Suicide
Biological Invasion: Attack of the Killer Weeds!
Kepler Mission Close to Discovering Earth-like Planets?
Personalized Medicine: The Future of Genomic Sequencing
Plato vs. Fiction: Goldstein on Balancing Her Two Loves
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The Human-Chimp Split: A Closer Look at the Fossil Record
A.J. Jacobs on the Dangers of 'Radical Honesty'
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Endangered Turtle Brings Together Ecologists and Locals
Wade Davis on Inuit Ingenuity: Tale of the 'Sh*t Knife'
'A Virus Walks Into a Bar…' and Other Science Jokes
David Shenk: Can Persistence Be Taught?
Dawkins Answers Why He Refuses to Debate Creationists
Trucks and Trig: Why Boys Excel in Math and Engineering
Is Monogamy Linked to Brain Size?
The Secret Sounds of Beavers and What They're Telling Us
Seeing Is Believing: How the Brain Interprets Vision
Dawkins Compares Creationists to Holocaust Deniers
Paul Ekman: Do You Have the Heroic Gene?
Alicia Silverstone Is Not 'Clueless' About Health
Dr. Krause Discovers a Singing Cottonwood Tree
Dunbar's Number: Why We Can't Have More Than 150 Friends
A.J. Jacobs: What I Learned from Reading the Encyclopedia
Ben Sherwood: The Science of Luck
Cracking the Code: Disease Research and the Human Genome
Taleb: Look at Mother Nature for Financial Solutions
Sam Keen: Where Religion Went Wrong, and How to Fix It
The Secret to Investing? Outwit Your Brain
How Early Bonding Years Affect Brain Development
The Hubble Heritage: A Legacy of Images from Deep Space
Studying the Deep Rhythms of Climate Change
Richard Dawkins Explains Darwinian Selection of Universes
Dr. Bortz: Maintenance May Add 30 Years to Your Lifespan
Jane Goodall: There Is Still Hope for the Environment
Why Don't Boys Play with Dolls?
The Big Picture of Climate Change: Think Prehistoric
Asperger Syndrome: Dealing with the Diagnosis
Lactose Intolerance and the Evolution of Human Digestion
McDonald's Biggest Appeal? Meal Safety
Dr. Jill Tarter: What Happens After SETI Discovers ET?
Be Here Now: A New Perspective for Motherhood
Dacher Keltner: The Evolution of Emotions
Forget Snakes! Beware of the Tropical Bullet Ant
Andromeda Ahoy! Edwin Hubble and the Expanding Universe
Daniel Dennett on Pastors Teaching Intelligent Design
Matthew B. Crawford: Making the Case for Skilled Trade
Genetic Engineering Has Been Used For Thousands of Years
18 Wheels of Steel Extreme Trucker – PC [Download .torrent]
Is Poor Sleep a Factor in Alzheimer's and Dementia?
Proof You Went Psychotic Last Night
Can 'Mindful' Meditation Help with Pregnancy?
Emotions and Evolution: What Would Genes Do?
'Cancer Bitch' Hosts a Pre-Mastectomy Party
How Can I Get Into an Astronaut Training Program?
Sarocharu Kaatuka Kallu Song Promo - Ravi Teja, Kajal Aggarwal (Sir Vacharu)
The Wetsuit Wearing Penguin: Pierre Finds His Mojo
Are Women More Receptive to Music than Men?
Superhero: Surviving a Knitting Needle Through the Heart
Is Creative Talent Lying Dormant in All of Us?
Budweiser vs. Microbrews: A Scientific Analysis
The California Academy of Sciences and Its Living Roof
The Marketing of GM Crops