Archived > 2012 December > 04 Morning > 11

Videos archived from 04 December 2012 Morning

Hedrick Smith: Obama & Romney Happy to Avoid Real Issues
Free Speech: Rushdie Responds to Riots in Muslim World
George Lakoff: How to Win Over Swing Voters
Musharraf: 'Bury the Hatchet' Between India and Pakistan
New Poll: Americans Still Believe in the American Dream
Election 2012: Why Republicans Failed to Win White House
Robert Reich: Tax the Rich, Fix the Debt, It Makes Cents
Governor Hickenlooper: US Can't Go On as Divided Nation
Beinart vs. Dershowitz: Attack Iran Nuclear Sites Now?
Simpson-Bowles and the Legacy of Deficit Tax Policy
Wolff: Seize This Moment or Capitalism Will Not Be Cured
Ian Bremmer: The End of Global Leadership
If Elected, Will President Obama Address Climate Change?
Women's Right to Abortion vs. Access to All Healthcare
U.S. Policy Toward Syria and Iran: Engage or Sit it Out?
2012 Election: Impact of Abortion, Pro Choice & Pro Life
Hispanics: 'Disappointed in Obama, Terrified of Romney'
Julian Castro: Latinos Are Achieving American Dream
Why the Republican Party Can't Build a Lasting Majority
恋セヨ♥ソウルMAP/FTISLANDcut 12.12.04
Jose Vargas to Lou Dobbs: Think Before Saying 'Illegals'
Two Billion Dollar Political Food Fight Turns Voters Off
Facing Facts: The Myths and Truths About Joseph Kennedy
How Can Congress Possibly Solve the Fiscal Cliff Crisis?
Nancy Pelosi: Republican Philosophy Is 'Obstruction'
Why Obama Lost 2012 Debate: Doesn't Like Confrontation
Howard Dean: Obama Will Approve Oil Sand Development
Mayor Rybak: Health Begins with Limiting Teen Pregnancy
Why the Text of the Constitution Still Persists Today
Kofi Annan: Africa's 'Big Men' Losing to Rule of Law
Obama Reelection Will Break Partisan Fever in Washington - EQ2 Account - Basic Class Introduction Guide
Pelosi: Amend the Constitution to Overturn Super PACs
Peter Singer's Strategy to Ration End-of-Life Care
Silent Majority: Obama's Smart Get-Out-the-Vote Strategy
Why Republicans Must Break with the Tea Party to Succeed
Obama Reelection: New Ideas Not Needed, GOP Rejects Them
Castro: Hispanics Will Make Texas Purple State in 2020
*Drashti Dhami* Madhubala EIEJ E24 Segment 03/12/2012
A Reelected President Obama Will Reform Immigration
Immigration Reform: Will President Romney Tackle It?
Obama's Strategy to Fight Romney & Ryan's Medicare Scare
John Boehner on Republicans and Minority Voters
John Boehner: Akin's Rape Remarks a Real 'Distraction'
Obama's Defense of Government, a Good Election Strategy?
What Will President Romney's First 100 Days Look Like?
Boehner: House GOP Seeks to Expand Majority
If Obama Is Reelected, a Major Budget Deal Will Pass
Obama's Reelection: We're Better Off Than 4 Years Ago
Will Democrats or Republicans Win the House in 2012?
Will Romney Become the First Mexican-American President?
GOP Strategists: What Obama Must Do to Defeat Romney
Immigration Reform: Utah's Law Is Better Than Arizona's
John Boehner's Party Platform: 'One Sheet of Paper'
Candy Crowley: GOP Can't Survive as White Male Party
Romney Beats Obama in Engaged Social Media Followers
Ron Kaufman: Mitt Romney Is the Tea Party Movement
Relax And Go le Nouveau centre de relaxation à Mulhouse
Need for Speed™ Most Wanted mouvement HERO10 et U30GTH
Bob Schieffer Predicts Presidential Convention Future
Could Immigration Policy Deport the Next Albert Einstein?
Election 2012: Scariest Poll Numbers for Romney & Obama
[FOR SALE] Dell PowerConnect 6224 Gigabit Ethernet Switch - 24 Ports - 4 SFP
"Sur le rôle du Guru" René Guénon
Election 2012: Does Romney's Welfare Ad Play Race Card?
Election 2012: Super PACs Killing Obama's Single Donors?
Martin Dempsey: Cyber Attacks are Black Swan Threat to US
Pelosi: '4 Years Ago We Pulled US Out of Depths of Hell'
Gov. Snyder: Michigan, a Battleground in 2012 Election
How Will Obamacare Affect California's Employers?
E.J. Dionne: Romney Will Play It Safe With VP Selection
John Garamendi: Fix Federal Deficit with a War Tax
Are Arms Treaties Strong Enough to Prevent Disaster?
David Westin: News Anchors Must Struggle Against Bias
Popkin: Obama Curing 'Obsessive Bipartisan Disorder'
The Fate of the Bush Tax Cuts After the 2012 Election
Obama's Operational Failures of the War in Afghanistan
Pell Grants Gives 'Opportunity for All' to Attend College
Tony Blair: The West Isn't to Blame for Terrorism
Sentadilla y pectoral Test 3-12-2012
George Polk: Roots of Xenophobia & the Walls of Jericho
Morella: Why More Women Don’t Run for Political Office?
Nancy Pelosi to Women: “Kick Open the Political Door!”
U.S. Security: 9/11 and Rapid Rise of Private Contractors
Republicans: ‘Start Compromising and Stop Hostage Taking’
War in Afghanistan: How Women Performed Better Than Men
World’s Security: China’s Rise and the U.S. Response
Questions You Need To Ask a Mississauga Dermatologist
The Nation's Chris Hayes: Why Our Elites and Leaders Fail
'The Obama M.O.': Assassinate with Drones and Commandos
Sen. Hutchison Would’ve Loved to Be First Woman President
World’s Military: Just Think of What Else We Could Buy
Jim Lehrer: The Real Purpose of Presidential Debates
Thomas E. Mann: Republicans Are Now ‘Insurgent Outliers’
Valerie Jarrett Praises Yahoo for Hiring Pregnant CEO
Will the Singularity Save Us from Climate Change?
2012 Election & War on Women: Economy vs. Abortion
Khalid Malik: Linking World Security & Human Development