Archived > 2012 June > 16 Morning > 17

Videos archived from 16 June 2012 Morning

Jeremy Despres - It's Over - Club Mix - ShuffleSession
B.F. - Freestyle (feat..Xaner) - Kassded
Mala - Bientôt - Kassded
Thelma Houston - More And More - ClubMusic90s
Cilic through after Lu withdrew
Chase CEO testifies and resists regulation
Eleições tumultuadas no Egito
Randy Crawford - Street Life - ClubMusic90s
Mala - Tous les Mans - Kassded
Randy Crawford - Imagine - ClubMusic90s
Palestinian soccer player continues hunger strike in Israeli jail
Jakarta holds International Business Expo
Randy Crawford - Knockin' On Heaven' S Door - ClubMusic90s
L-A-S-Nico - Looser - YourZoukTv
Cameron questioned at Leveson Inquiry over Close-ties with Murdoch Empire
Malparida:CosmoTV 15.06.12
Randy Crawford - One Day I'll Fly Away - ClubMusic90s
Kingpin - Mic In My Hand - UBARH
Cancerous diesel fumes threaten Indians' health
Totus Tuus | Puntata 14-06-2012
Kingpin - Sound the Alarm - UBARH
Yemen Party of Liberation holds Islamic conference
Ghost Flames Custom Paint Trick
Curso de Enfermeria Gratis
Should Muslims outside Palestine visit al-Quds while it is under occupation?
This edition covers: 1) Fuel fury 2) Afghan war 3) Representative art 4) Living in recession
Kingpin - I Need Money - UBARH
Totus Tuus | Puntata 15 giugno
Raspa - Quimera - Guapachando
Kingpin - Out the Box - UBARH
Kingpin - Outta Here - UBARH
Pío Leyva - Oye Como Suena - Guapachando
Bertha Portuondo - Dulce Habanera - Guapachando
Kingpin - Oh Damn - UBARH
Trinitapoli | L'opposizione contesta l'aumento della TARSU
Bertha Portuondo - La Mulata del Cha Cha Cha - Guapachando
Fred Astaire - Puttin' On the Ritz
Alex Shaffer of 'Win Win'
Lerdsila Chumpairtour VS Sofiane Derdega
Rolando Bohol vs. Chang Ho Choi - I.B.F World Flyweight Title Part 2
The Washboard Rhythm Kings - Hummin' to Myself
The Washboard Rhythm Kings - Tiger Rag
Jacques Schwarz-Bart Quartet - Blues Jonjon
The Washboard Rhythm Kings - Was That the Human Thing to Do?
The Washboard Rhythm Kings - Ash Man Crawl
Jacques Schwarz-Bart Quartet - Now
Jacques Schwarz-Bart Quartet - It's Pain
Trani | Riserbato:"Sull'ospedale ancora nulla è deciso"
Jacques Schwarz-Bart Quartet - Peyotl
The Washboard Rhythm Kings - My Silent Love
Jacques Schwarz-Bart Quartet - Moods
Johann Sebastian Bach : Sonata In Do Maggiore, BWV 966: Adagio, Allegro - ClassicalExperience
El presidente Chávez se refiere a vencimiento de la Habilitante
The Washboard Rhythm Kings - Holding My Honey's Hand
The Washboard Rhythm Kings - You Can Depend On Me
Jason Eisener and Rutger Hauer talk 'Hobo With a Shotgun'
Chávez defiende su potestad a hacer cadena
Johann Sebastian Bach : Sonata In Re Maggiore, BWV 963: Allegro Maestoso - ClassicalExperience
Johann Sebastian Bach : Sonata In Re Maggiore, BWV 963: Adagio, Fuga - ClassicalExperience
Trani | L'ABC dello sport nella scuola primaria
JL Mac Gregor - God Save the Queen - Europe Cup 2012
Endless Space - Expand the Dev Team
Johann Sebastian Bach : Concerto Italiano In Fa Maggiore, BWV 971: Presto - ClassicalExperience
'Win Win' Trailer
Johann Sebastian Bach : Sonata In Re Minore, BWV 964: Thema, Allegro - ClassicalExperience
JL Mac Gregor - Inno di mameli - Europe cup 2012
Dusa - Cantando uma bossa
Strage Brindisi, per l'attentato preparate 6 bombole
DJ Domenian - Horoscope - Original Psycho Dub Mix - BassVulture
Sanità | Alfarano e Zullo: "Piano di rientro da rivedere"
Oh Julie By Jeremy Boughton
Amazon Money Machine Reality Shown Finally
Dubphobia - Supernatural - BassVulture
The Best Ways to Make Money Online
Dennis Haysbert discusses 'The Details'
Francesco De Leonardis - Leave Today, Gone Tonight
Conversano | Dalla Regione 100mila euro
f(x) _Electric Shock_Music Video
Canosa | Arrestati 3 estorsori
BAT | Nasce il comitato d'allarme sociale
Eric Driven - Time Passenger - Instrumental - IbizaGrooveSession
Primo, Ibbanez - Mantra
Co-Presidents Tom Bernard & Michael Barker
Los Suruba - Mantis - Edu Imbernon Remix - IbizaGrooveSession
mi$$ A ~ Goodbye Baby [Chinese Ver]
Robin Food (2012.04.11)
Barletta | La movida cambia forma
Los Suruba - Mantis - IbizaGrooveSession
اضخم مسلسل تاريخي رمضان2012 الفـــاروق
Barletta | PD:"Bilancio, trasparente e partecipato"
The Escapist Presents: New Site Layout Overview
Regione Puglia | Avviso di garanzia per l'Assessore Regionale Amati
No Right Answer: The Simpsons vs Futurama