Archived > 2012 April > 03 Morning > 84

Videos archived from 03 April 2012 Morning

Why does lovemaking seem to change over time to just sex in a marriage?
How would I know when I'm caught up in my Turn On's?
How does this orientation of lovemaking change the experience?
Part 5 - How to Live the Relationship You Dreamed Of
What if my partner doesn’t want to work on our issues?
Don't women want to have sex as well?
Where do these personality needs come from?
How does this lovemaking change your relationship together?
What is the difference between sex and intimacy?
For unhappy couples, could they just be incompatible?
How would creating emotional safety change the relationship?
Self-Awareness of Your Personality is the 1st Principle
7 Basic Principles for Concious Conflict Resolution
Can I always de-escalate the pressure?
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What does it take for a couple to live the relationship they've dreamed of?
How does this orientation of love change the relationship?
How does pure lovemaking affect each partner's lives?
How does goal-oriented sex shift the whole experience?
How do we prevent having conflicts with each other?
What should we do when our needs conflict?
How does self-awareness of your personality help?
What do we do with our ego needs?
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Happiness: How can we increase pleasure and love together?
What is an example of tensions creating conflict using the Enneagram?
2nd Principle: No More Criticizing or Blaming!
How can we learn more about our own Enneagram type and our partners?
How can I identify all the areas in my personality where these pressures show up?
How can we identify what our core personality needs are?
Is the problem our unmet needs or how we communicate our needs with our partner?
If I don't know what my partner is upset about how can I validate it?
If I don't agree how can I validate my partner?
When something is bothering me, how do I get someone to change?
How does pure lovemaking affect each partner in their well being?
How do you know when your personality is "Over the Top?"
How do we find our personality needs using the Enneagram?
Do we need to analyze all the issues from our past?
What are the components of responsible thinking?
How does this orientation of lovemaking change the experience?
3rd Principle: Take Responsibility in a Conflict
How do I activate this inner mechanism?
What if what I want in a conflict doesn't seem over the top?
What should my goal be in this process?
How can I change my beliefs?
In a conflict, isn't someone right and someone wrong?
5th Principle: Both Person's Needs Matter!
How should I think of this other me?
What is intuition?
Doesn't honest criticism get your partner to change?
Can someone really grow on you?
So what about chemistry?
If my world is reporting back to me my thoughts, why am I not getting what I want?
How do I identify the beliefs keeping me from getting what I want?
What is the first key value for compatibility?
Is this a process, and if so where do I begin?
How do I know if I'm really compatible?
How do I identify perceptual blindspots?
7th Principle: You're Not Entitled to Freely Dump Your Tensions
What does the Enneagram teach about self-awareness?
How do I accomplish this goal?
Is there another way to see all of this?
Tools for Listening so That You Always Feel Heard
6th Principle: Is This the Setting to Really Resolve This?
4th Principle: Relating is the key to harmony when needs conflict
What are the nine personality needs in the Enneagram?
Is there an instant chemistry?
What is the fifth key value for compatibility?
Why do we have to flirt?
What are the four keys to flirting success?
What do I neexd to understand about this mechanism?
What is the fourth flirting exercise?
What do I do after I've made my list?
What is the fourth key value for compatibility?
What are some reasons for flirting?
What is the second key value for compatibility?
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Who should initiate the second date?
How do I know when to give the goodnight kiss?
What is the first flirting exercise?
What is the third key value for compatibility?
Where should we meet for the second date?
What is the second flirting exercise?
What do I do at the end of the date?
How do I know when to break up with someone?
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What do men do wrong?
What is the eighth key value for compatibility?
What is the third flirting exercise?
How do I transfer my flirting skills into the dating scene?
How should I break up with someone?
When can I be sure if I've found the right person?
Who should pay for the second date?
Are there differences between male flirting and female flirting?
Is it okay to speak badly of the person I've broken up with?
How do I cope with a break up?
What is the ninth key value for compatibility?
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Is friendship a possibility after a break up?
What do women want?