Archived > 2012 April > 03 Morning > 82

Videos archived from 03 April 2012 Morning

Do you know how to read the instrument panel?
So what's the rule for solving the problem of turbulence in a relationship?
What if you speak the same language, were both born and raised in the same country but are different
What if partners come from different cultures and speak a different first language?
What are the crosswinds of relationships?
Why would I want a butler on a honeymoon?
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Are you flying with low visibility, or do you really understand why your partner does something?
How do you deal with turbulence in a relationship?
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How do you create a safe place for your partner?
Do men and women have different priorities?
How are relationships like flying?
What causes relationship problems?
Who's responsible for the overall success of a relationship?
Are men just less evolved than women when it comes to relationships and sex?
What is the "Serial Monogamist Group" of women?
What is the "Single Moms Group" of women?
Sometimes it seems like men don't communicate at all. How do they communicate?
How do we solve this problem of different priorities?
What is the "Foot Loose and Fancy Free Group" of women?
What is the second trap?
Are there "traps" women fall into when it comes to sex?
If relationships are so difficult, why do we keep getting into them?
What is the "Elusive In-Love Group" of women?
What is the third trap?
What's the biggest obstacle in having a peaceful, turbulent-free relationship?
Why does dating seem more difficult for women over 40?
What should you do to protect yourself in a new relationship?
What is the fourth trap?
What if you're a woman and you haven't had sex with someone new in 15 years or more?
If dating and finding a man is so difficult, why do we do it?
What are women looking for in a man before they'll have sex?
What are men looking for in woman before they'll have sex?
What are men looking for in a date?
How can I make Valentine's Day special and romantic for my significant other?
What kinds of food should I make for Valentine's Day?
Should we go out to dinner or stay in for Valentine's Day?
What are the most important "don'ts" when writing your profile for online dating?
So are men and women approaching sex from opposite ends of the spectrum?
What are some ways to have a unique Valentine's Day?
What is the "Ticking Clock Group" of women?
What are some red flags you should look out for in other profiles?
What should singles do for Valentine's Day?
Do men always want younger women?
What is the "The 60 and Over Crowd" of women?
Are there any guidelines for setting up the first meeting when dating online?
How long should you email before sharing personal information when dating online?
Are there any secrets to creating rapport with a man?
Should women being pursuing men?
How does age really impact dating?
What are some romantic places we should go for Valentine's Day?
What are your top 3 tips for making that first online contact?
Who should make the arrangements and pay during a first date?
How do I create a romantic atmosphere?
Do you understand your partner's personality traits, values and characteristics?
If you just got out of a relationship, what should you do for Valentine's Day?
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What are some pros and cons of office relationships?
What if you don't care about Valentine's Day?
Are there any true "no-no's" for office relationships?
What kind of gift should I get my significant other for Valentine's Day?
How do you keep business and work away from your private time together?
If your company has a policy prohibiting office dating, do you go ahead anyway and keep it a secret?
Is it true that women are more attracted to bad boys than nice guys?
What is relationship chemistry?
Do you need to share a similar background, ideas and ideologies in a relationship?
How does an office couple keep their romantic relationship from impacting their work relationship?
What draws women to bad boys?
Do women do anything to hurt their chances of finding a wonderful man?
Is it possible to turn a bad boy into a nice guy?
What is it about bad boys that make them so irresistable?
If the relationship ends, how do you keep this from negatively impacting work?
What is a more important ability, to read or speak good body language?
Is a strong friendship a good basis for an intimate relationship?
Are there early warning signs that will help a woman identify a man as a bad boy?
Must the right chemistry be present immediately to know if he or she is "the one?"
What are some ways to know if someone is not attracted to you by their body language?
How can effective use of body language make us more attractive to others?
What are some examples of body language that can push others away?
Can a relationship thrive when one component of this chemistry is missing?
Can you create chemistry in an area where it's lacking?
Can you give some examples of good body language for a first date?
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Can chemistry grow over time in a relationship?
How do you know if someone is attracted to you by their body language?
How do you deal with co-workers, bosses, clients and others who know about the relationship?
Are there safe topics that my in-laws and I can discuss that won't lead to a conflict?
How important is our body language in our ability to communicate effectively?
How does chemistry in intimate relationships differ from chemistry in other relationships?
How can I cool off in a tense situation with my in-laws?
How can I handle a situation where my spouse doesn't get along with their relatives?
What should I do if my in-laws drink too much at family gatherings?
How to Buy Non-Rose Flowers for Valentine's Day
What do I do if my in-laws refuse to accept me?
Why are some in-law relationships complicated?
Are in-law relationships inherently difficult?
Can my spouse serve as my intermediary in dealing with their family?