Videos archived from 08 January 2011 Morning
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Savings And Trust Funds : What research should I do when choosing a savings account for my child?
Savings And Trust Funds : How much pocket money should I give my child?
Savings And Trust Funds : Is it better to give my child pocket money or just give them money when th
Alan Wake - Old Gods Of Asgard - The Poet And The Muse
Savings And Trust Funds : Why should I give my child pocket money?
Terms Of Employment And Contracts : What are my responsibilities as my nanny's employer?
Werewolf - Summerlin Dance Academy
Smoking And Pregnancy : What are some of the pregnancy complications associated with smoking cigaret
Terms Of Employment And Contracts : How much holiday is my nanny entitled to?
Ep 5.09 A Candid Discussion on the Restaurant Industry
Smoking And Pregnancy : How will second-hand smoke exposure during pregnancy affect my baby?
The Basics Of Learning : How do educational psychologists define "practice"?
The Basics Of Learning : How does our brain perceive events?
The Basics Of Learning : How do educational psychologists define "stimulus"?
The Basics Of Learning : How do mental stimuli and practice fit into education?
The Basics Of Learning : How is memory involved in the education process?
The Basics Of Learning : How do educational psychologists define "memory"?
The Basics Of Learning : How can I help my child be more motivated in the classroom?
The Basics Of Learning : What conditions stimulate learning?
The Basics Of Learning : How do educational psychologists define "boredom"?
The Basics Of Learning : How do educational psychologists define "attention span"?
The Basics Of Learning : How do educational psychologists define "motivation"?
The Basics Of Learning : How does attention span factor into learning?
Toddler And Preschool Milestones : Is it normal to not always understand what my 2 year old is sayin
Toddler And Preschool Milestones : What can I do to help my toddler develop and learn?
Toddler And Preschool Milestones : What are the motor milestones for toddlers from 1 to 2 years old?
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Toddler And Preschool Milestones : How do I gauge my child's development after age 5?
Toddler And Preschool Milestones : What are the developmental milestones for children 3 to 5 years o
2007-09 - 14. Disney on Ice - Peter Pan - Final
Understanding Your Baby's Crying : How should I respond to my baby's crying?
Understanding Your Baby's Crying : How do I know when my baby's crying indicates a serious problem?
Understanding Your Baby's Crying : How much do babies normally cry every day?
Re: SpongeBob Burger King
Re: SpongeBob Burger King
Toddler And Preschool Milestones : What are the speech milestones for toddlers from 1 to 2 years old
Understanding Your Baby's Crying : What does it mean when babies cry?
University Clearing : How do I find out which courses have vacancies?
University Clearing : I didn't get the grades I needed for my offers - what can I do?
University Clearing : Who is eligible for Clearing?
University Clearing : Can I apply through Clearing to a university I have applied to already?
University Clearing : What should I do if a university makes me an offer?
University Clearing : What is Clearing?
University Clearing : What happens if I am away during Clearing?
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University Clearing : When should I send off my Clearing Passport?
What To Expect During Childbirth : What can I do to ease my pain during childbirth?
What To Expect During Childbirth : What is a "natural childbirth"?
What To Expect During Childbirth : What should I do if I feel contractions but I am not near my doct
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What To Expect During Childbirth : What are the risks of using pain medications during childbirth?
What To Expect During Childbirth : What's the best advice I could have to prepare me for childbirth?
What To Expect During Childbirth : What happens during a normal vaginal childbirth in the hospital?
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What To Expect During Childbirth : How much pain will I feel during childbirth?
What To Expect During Childbirth : How long will it take me to give birth to my baby?
After-School Activities : Why should I encourage my child to do after-school activities?
After-School Activities : Should I ever pressure my child to join an after-school activity?
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After-School Activities : What should I do if my child wants to quit his after-school activities?
After-School Activities : Should I encourage a balance of physical and academic after-school activit
Amber Alert : What is the "AMBER Alert System"?
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After-School Activities : Can after-school activities cause stress in some children?
After-School Activities : How do I start a carpool?
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You Get a Do-Over [Trail Talk]
After-School Activities : Is it okay for me to prohibit my child from an after-school activity?
Amber Alert : How can I help law enforcement with the AMBER Alert?
Amber Alert : Why was the AMBER Alert System created?
Amber Alert : Is the AMBER Alert System effective?
Anti-Social Behavior : How can I tell the difference between anti-social behavior and mental illness
Anti-Social Behavior : What is anti-social behavior?
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Anti-Social Behavior : How does a child develop anti-social behavior?
Amber Alert : How can the AMBER Alert System become more effective?
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Amber Alert : Does every state have an AMBER Alert System?
Anti-Social Behavior : Will my child "grow out" of anti-social behavior?
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Anti-Social Behavior : When should I seek professional help for a child who is acting anti-socially?
Baby Bathing And Skin Care : How should I care for my newborn's skin?
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Baby Bathing And Skin Care : What are key safety tips for bathing my baby?
Baby Bathing And Skin Care : How should I wash my newborn's clothes?
Baby Bathing And Skin Care : How do I bathe my baby?
Anti-Social Behavior : What should I when I can't control my child's anti-social behavior?
Northeast Forecast - 01/07/2011
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East Central Forecast - 01/07/2011