Archived > 2011 January > 07 Evening > 60

Videos archived from 07 January 2011 Evening

School Exclusion : My child is repeatedly being excluded from school, what should I do?
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School Exclusion : If my child is excluded from school, can I appeal?
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School Exclusion : What possible reasons could a school have for excluding a child?
Your Child And Bullying : What is bullying?
School Discipline : I don't agree with the way my child is disciplined at school, what should I do?
Your Child And Bullying : How can I get my child to talk about their experience of bullying?
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Your Child And Bullying : My child is being bullied, what can I do?
Your Child And Bullying : How can I convince my child that being bullied isn't their fault?
Your Child And Bullying : What are the effects of bullying on a child?
Your Child And Bullying : My child is being bullied at school, should I report it to the school?
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Your Child And Bullying : I think my child is being bullied by their teacher, what should I do?
Your Child And Bullying : My child's school isn't taking action against bullies, what should I do?
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Your Child And Bullying : Should I confront the parents of my child's bully?
Your Child And Bullying : How can I stop my child from being a bully?
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Your Child And Bullying : Should I confront my child's bully?
Your Child And Bullying : My child has been accused of bullying at school, what should I do?
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Your Child And Bullying : My child is bullying their younger sibling, what should I do?
Babies: Development : What age is regarded as being a baby?
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Babies: Development : How will I know if my baby is developing normally?
Babies: Development : What should I do to stimulate my baby's development?
Babies: Development : Can a baby receive too much stimulation?
Babies: Development : What is bonding?
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Your Child And Bullying : My child doesn't want me to report the bullying to the school, what should
Babies: Development : How does bonding happen?
Babies: Development : How can I deal with separation anxiety?
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GRITtv: Linn Washington: Acting On Racism in Justice System
Babies: Development : What is attachment?
Babies: Development : What is separation anxiety?
Babies: Development : At what age do babies start to get a personality?
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Babies: Development : At what age will my baby and I start bonding?
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Babies: Wellbeing : I'm worried my baby isn't eating enough, what should I do?
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Babies: Development : At what age should I start reading my baby books?
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Babies: Wellbeing : My baby isn't putting on weight, should I be worried?
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Babies: Wellbeing : My baby doesn't like being held, is this normal?
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Babies: Wellbeing : I'm worried my baby isn't sleeping enough, what should I do?
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Babies: Wellbeing : My baby doesn't sleep through the night, should I be worried?
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Babies: Wellbeing : My baby rarely coos or makes noises, should I be worried?
GRITtv: Johanna Fernandez: Prison Has Replaced Lynching
Child Discipline : Why do children need discipline?
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Child Discipline : At what age should I start to discipline my child?
Babies: Wellbeing : At what age is it OK to leave my baby with other adults?
Child Discipline : What is the best way of disciplining a child?
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Child Discipline : How can I teach my child about rules?
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Child Discipline : What is the difference between discipline and punishment?
Child Discipline : Should I reward my child for good behaviour?
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Child Discipline : Should I smack my child when they are naughty?
Child Discipline : How do different styles of parenting affect discipline?
Child Discipline : Is it legal to smack a child in the UK?
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Child Discipline : Do children learn from smacking?
Child Discipline : Is it OK to shout at my child?
Child Discipline : Am I spoiling my child if I don't smack them?
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Child Discipline : How can I use 'time out' as way of disciplining my child?
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Child Discipline : I feel guilty when I discipline my child, what should I do?
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Children's Social Skills : How can I help my child to develop good friendships?
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Children's Social Skills : How can I teach my child about sharing?