Videos archived from 05 January 2011 Noon
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Shaving Tips For Females : Should a woman shave her upper lip?
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Shaving Tips For Females : Is it better to shave my bikini area or use other hair removal techniques
Shaving Tips For Females : Should I shave if I've had a photofacial or laser work?
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Shaving Tips For Females : How do I set up a sensual shave for my man at home?
Shaving Tips For Females : Can shaving a man be sensual?
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Shaving Tips For Females : How do I convince my man to shave his hairy back?
Shaving Tips For Females : Should I shave if I've had a chemical peel?
Where To Shave : What parts of the body can one shave?
Where To Shave : What parts of the face can one shave?
Where To Shave : What are some tips for shaving in unusual places?
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Where To Shave : What parts of the body should never be shaved?
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Shaving As A Social Statement : What can a goatee or sideburns say about a person?
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Shaving As A Social Statement : Does a clean shaven face make you appear younger?
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Shaving As A Social Statement : Is a clean shaven face attractive?
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Shaving Tips For Men : What is razor burn?
Shaving Tips For Men : Should I put a piece of toilet paper on my face after I cut myself shaving?
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